【欧美新单至晴分享】聆听最美妙的天籁之音 英伦美声新天后Rumer 最新动人情歌 慢慢的爱

猴岛论坛影音天地【欧美新单至晴分享】聆听最美妙的天籁之音 英伦美声新天后Rumer 最新动人情歌 慢慢的爱
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【欧美新单至晴分享】聆听最美妙的天籁之音 英伦美声新天后Rumer 最新动人情歌 慢慢的爱



等级: 少将
猴岛 大撒皮不解释

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-08-31 0


Born in Pakistan and raised in Australia, Tasmania, South Africa and the U.K., soulful songstress sure has an interesting background. Her smooth voice and slow songs are sure to make this Pakistani-British singer a hit on the scene! But things didn't always come easy for this up-and-coming artist.

"You have to be tough. I was constantly rejected, and I kept trying to improve. You see a lot of amazing musicians quit, because you have to sacrifice," Rumer said in a statement.
I've always felt a bit outside society. I'm not concerned with what's musically popular or fashionable, really. All I wanted was to make something of quality that would stand the test of time, that people could come back to, and that was rooted in authenticity. Because that's the kind of music I listen to," she added.

Rumer's life is beautifully portrayed on the release and every song has a meaning; one of her tracks off her album Seasons of My Soul, "Slow," is "about being obsessive in a new relationship. It's a love song, but it's unrequited love, and the chorus has that Greek Chorus effect, advising me not to fall in love too fast."

Listen to Rumer's single "Slow" and share your thoughts.
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猴岛 大撒皮不解释


等级: 中尉

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2010-08-31 0
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