1 1 朋友,缘分让我们相聚在了这里。 Friends, fate let us gather in here. 1 1 朋友,多么美好的字眼; Friends, how beautiful word; 1 为了这个称谓,我一生一世都在寻找; In order to this title, I whole life all search for; 1 寻找一份属于自己真正的友情,寻找一个相知相心的知音; Looking for a job that belongs to his true friendship, looking for a bosom friend is the understanding friend of heart; 1 尽管人海茫茫,芸芸众生,但真正的朋友是很难找寻到; Although boundless, justification, but a true friend is hard to find; 1 有人共事一生却不能成为朋友,有人能成为朋友却不能守望一生; Work with someone but life can't be friends, someone can become the friend but can't watch a life; 1
而你们的出现,甚至连你们的真实名字都不知道; And your appear, even your real name all don't know; 1
但你们却以真正的朋友之情为我的生活编制了一个希望之梦; But you are in the true feeling of friends to my life wove a dream of hope; 1 使我在缘分的天空下,感知你们火热的激情,倾听你们缠绵的心音。 Make me in the fate of the sky, the perception you enthusiasm, listen to you of the lingering heart sounds.
1 1 1 1 1 ====================友==================== 1 1 ====================谊==================== 1 1 ====================长==================== 1 1 ====================存==================== 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |