Incredible  (S_jun夏)-- Celine Dion & Ne-Yo

猴岛论坛影音天地Incredible  (S_jun夏)-- Celine Dion & Ne-Yo
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Incredible  (S_jun夏)-- Celine Dion & Ne-Yo



等级: 上将

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2014-08-29 0
Incredible  (S_jun夏)-- Celine Dion & Ne-Yo
Incredible (feat. Ne-Yo) - Céline Dion
Whole world is watching us now
It's a little intimidating
But since there's no way to calm down
Let's give them something amazing
Let's make them remember
Using one word
Incredible (oh, oh, oh)
Incredible (oh, oh, oh)
Let's make them remember
We were incredible
Simply incredible
We even counted all stars
We were real sure we'd make it
Well, we learned no matter what they need shout
It's nothing we can't take care
We'll go down in history
That describe all of us
Incredible (oh, oh, oh)
Oh, incredible (oh, oh, oh)
Let's make them remember
We were incredible
Simply incredible
Everybody say "oh"
Say oh
Say no
Say oh
Let's make them remember
That describe all of us
Incredible (oh, oh, oh)
Oh, incredible (oh, oh, oh)
Let's make them remember
We were incredible
Simply incredible
Simply incredible
Oh oh oh oh

本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +12
DB+12 2014-08-29

゛ ✿ 旖ル 包包  ﻬ 音乐无极限欢迎你 ﻬ



等级: 元老
配偶: 素心无尘
            │后会无期│              │ 2016 / 6 / 30 │  

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2014-08-29 0
很有磁性的声音  总能引人入胜


是吧  Ne Yo的声音很有磁性

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