Jesse is back at Flux mansion after thwarting the efforts of her nemesis, Veronica, but this time 30 years in the past! With the help of an unsuspecting ally, she learns that to get back to her present she'll need to go further in the past to correct what went wrong. Along the way she'll reveal more about her family and the machines that enable them to travel through time in Flux Family Secrets - The Rabbit Hole, a fun Hidden Object game.
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[post]1. 定位到软件安装目录 Flux Family Secrets HD Free,查找文件 Library/Preferences/com.bigfishgames.fluxrabbitholeipadfree.plist
2. 打开这个文件,修改这行代码,保存即可。

[ 此帖被在2014-10-11 19:43重新编辑 ]