Aura Dione - Geronimo

猴岛论坛影音天地Aura Dione - Geronimo
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Aura Dione - Geronimo



等级: 元老
 ✤五方五帝用心机✤  ✤六丁六甲费周折✤

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2015-08-08 0

Ge-ge-e jo jo uh lala hmm let's go, Geronimo
I'll get you outta here
There's too much talking in this atmosphere
Cuz I just wanna get you out of here
My baby gonna get a lot of me uuhhh
She goes:
Ge-ge-e jo jo uh lala hmm let's go, Geronimo
Ze-ze-e so-so uh lala hmm let's go, Geronimo
Ge-ge-e jo jo uh lala hmm let's go
And I'm breaking, I'm breaking away
I'm aiming power power shots
And I'm giving all I got
I'm fearless, I'm fearless today
I paint my face with teardrip-drops
And I'm kissing underdogs
Ahhh ahhhh
Ge-ge-e jo jo uh lala hmm let's go, Geronimo
Ahhh ahhhh
Ge-ge-e jo jo uh lala hmm let's go, Geronimo
Wanna get you outta here
There's too much smoke in this atmosphere
I just wanna see you bright and clear
My baby gonna get a lot of me uuhh
She goes:
Ge-ge-e jo jo uh lala hmm let's go, Geronimo
Ze-ze-e so-so uh lala hmm let's go, Geronimo
Ge-ge-e jo jo uh lala hmm let's go
Yeah I'm breaking, I'm breaking away
I'm aiming power power shots
And I'm giving all I got
I'm fearless, fearless today,
I paint my face with teardrip-drops
And I'm kissing underdogs
Ahhh ahhhh
Ge-ge-e jo jo uh lala hmm let's go, Geronimo
Ahhh ahhh
Ge-ge-e jo jo uh lala hmm let's go, Geronimo
Do it all for love
Let's do it all for love
It all comes down,
To you and me,
To me and you
You and me
And I'm breaking, I'm breaking away
I'm aiming power power shots,
And I'm giving all I got
I'm fearless, fearless today,
I paint my face with teardrip-drops
And I'm kissing underdogs
Ahhh ahhhh
Ge-ge-e jo jo uh lala hmm let's go, Geronimo
Ahhh ahhh
Ge-ge-e jo jo uh lala hmm let's go, Geronimo
Do it all for love
Let's do it all for love
с днём рождения любимого стёпана
本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +15
DB+15 2015-08-08




等级: 元老

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2015-08-08 0


等级: 元老
 ✤五方五帝用心机✤  ✤六丁六甲费周折✤

举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2015-08-08 0
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上厕所误入女厕,被如花发现,当场被如花OOXX ,损失DB6



等级: 元老
配偶: 西小夏

举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2015-08-08 0
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