远程协助 TeamViewer v12.0.75813

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[资源分享]远程协助 TeamViewer v12.0.75813



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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2017-04-19 0
远程协助 TeamViewer v12.0.75813
敢问最好用的远程操控工具是什么,十有八九会将TeamViewer作为最终答案,真的有这么神奇?和腾讯QQ相比较呢?可以这么说,腾讯QQ有的 TeamViewer 有,QQ没有的TeamViewer 也有!听到这话估计操作很复杂吧?恰好不是,操作简单的不得了,第一次使用TeamViewer 会自动产生一个ID,界面左边是你的ID,右边是对方的,而每一次密码都不是固定的是随机的,且你只要输入对方ID即可控制对方的电脑。且TeamViewer 可爱之处在于将不再受限于路由器或者是防火墙的限制,支持穿越内网的限制,随时连接随时断开,很给力吧,给你父母亲的电脑也安装上,人在外地依然可以帮到他们~Teamviewer 主要特点:
远程控制/支持:即时远程控制 – 客户端无需安装任何程序
远程维护 – 全天候访问远程计算机和服务器
远程访问 – 随时随地访问您的数据和应用
家庭办公 – 在家也能访问办公室计算机会议/演示:在线会议 – 最多可容纳25名参加者
演示 – 提升销售潜力
培训会 – 实施在线培训,削减支出
团队协作 – 实现实时在线文档协作支持运行环境:Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8
更新日志v12.0.71503:Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the connection to freeze during a file transfer
Fixed a bug where the installation on a Windows Server 2008 R2 was not possible
Fixed a bug where it was not possible to remotely install a custom Host when being connected to a QuickSupport
Minor improvements and fixesv11.0.65280:– New Features
QuickSupport for Windows 10 Mobile
TeamViewer is the first and currently only solution capable of providing remote support to Windows 10 Mobile devices. Simply download and launch TeamViewer QuickSupport on your Windows 10 mobile device.
OneDrive for Business
TeamViewer has expanded its list of supported cloud storage providers to include enterprise-level capabilities and now offers integration of OneDrive for Business into your file box.– Bug fixes
Fixed a bug where key combinations using the ‘AltGr’ key were not transferred correctly
Fixed a bug where it was not possible to reconnect after updating a custom QuickSupport to a custom Host module
Fixed a bug when logout of Windows 10 caused the remote window to freeze
Fixed a bug where text was scaled incorrectly at high dpi resolutions within the Host module
Fixed a bug where TeamViewer could not grab all parts of the virtual monitor
Fixed a bug where remote reboot using custom QuickSupport with Windows credentials failed
Fixed a bug that caused the “start meeting” button to be displayed as “abort connection” when applying a meeting-restriction policy to devices
Fixed a bug where the 100% scaling option did not have any impact
Fixed a bug when ‘accept exclusively’ is set the file transfer and remote control radio buttons were grayed out
Fixed a bug where TeamViewer was unable to get online after Windows sleep mode
Fixed a bug where some custom QuickSupport modules could not generate a session code
Solved some other issues that caused crashes
Minor improvements and fixesv11.x• 提升性能,TeamViewer经优化后占用的带宽更低,图像渲染效率更高,文件传输速度提升达15倍,数据使用率减小达30%。
• 焕然一新的工具栏;
• 访问无人值守Android设备;
• 为客户提供紧急求助按钮;
• 随处聊天;
• 专为Win10打造,TeamViewer 11与Win10完美契合,不仅仅是因为其光鲜的外观。通过TeamViewer 11,您可充分利用强大的Windows特性,如通过触控板上的改良触控手势实现本地和远程输入。
• Chrome OS支持;
官网 [url]http://www.teamviewer.com[/url]


网盘下载(12.x 破解激活付费/企业补丁)
[url]http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qYjGdJY[/url] 密码:[post]062f[/post]

注:软件安装时请记得选择“个人/非商务用途”!TV11的破解补丁在搜索安装目录有点问题,只能搜索默认C:\Program Files\Teamviewer 或 C:\Program Files(x86)\Teamviewer;如果是便携版,需要把三个可执行文件放到上面的目录中,再执行补丁!执行补丁前建议删除%AppData%\Teamviewer文件夹。


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举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2017-05-14 0


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