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给太长不看的你们划重点:V社澄清,重庆政府没bankuku,kuku和tnc犯错不认,并且三番五次想掩盖错误,所以V社自己出面ban了kuku不能参加此次重庆major,tnc现有的dpc积分扣20%,但重庆major换人的40%不扣了。希望其他队伍以后犯错就认,立正挨打,别再有这种犯错不承认的情况发生。We’ve been following the recent situation regarding TNC and the Chongqing Major and how it has unfolded. First, for clarification, Kuku is not banned by the Chinese government. While there is a lot of anxiety around his attendance and problems it may create, we do not believe his presence creates a real security threat.我们一直在关注TNC和重庆major事件的进展。首先要澄清的是,kuku并没有被中国政府禁入。与此同时有很多关于他参加major会导致一系列状况的担忧,我们不认为他的参加会导致真正的安全威胁。Our view on the situation is that responsibility resides with teams to handle these types of issues professionally. When they fail to do so, we will step in. While it is one thing to make a mistake and apologize, it is quite another thing for the team to lie about it or try to create cover for an individual player. TNC has mishandled the situation on multiple occasions, making the situation much worse than it needed to be.我们对于这种状况的观点是,战队应该以职业化的方式处理它。如果他们处理失败,我们才会介入。然而此次事件中,tnc犯错后,虽然他们道歉了,但他们在其中说了谎,并尝试去掩盖队员个人的错误。tnc在多方面的处理不当,导致事情变得比它本来更为糟糕。TNC contacted Valve last Tuesday, asking if they would get a DPC point penalty for replacing Kuku; we told them that they wouldn’t. We assumed that they were then working on a plan to replace Kuku with another player. However it seems like TNC is currently not taking proper responsibility for their actions, coupled with the attempted cover up by the team, so we are now stepping in directly and banning Kuku from attending this event. To be clear, TNC is not the victim in this case. It is not okay to cover up the situation, avoid any real sense of responsibility and then deflect it onto the community. We expect them to disagree with this.tnc于上周二联系我们,询问他们是否会因为更换kuku而被扣dpc积分,我们当时告诉他们不会。但我们当时以为他们单纯是打算用其他队员替代kuku。但没想到tnc并没有承担起他们该承担的责任,并且还尝试从队伍层面掩盖错误,所以我们决定介入并直接禁止kuku参加此次比赛。需要澄清的是,tnc并不是此次事件的受害者,他们不该试图掩盖错误或避免承担责任和社区的错误风气。Players and teams will make mistakes in the future, and they should accept responsibility for them. We want there to be opportunities to learn from their errors, but taking responsibility doesn’t mean making mistakes don’t come with a cost. Covering up the situation is not an acceptable approach to the problem, and demonstrates poor decision making from TNC that requires accountability. In addition to being required to replace Kuku, we will also be docking 20% ofTNC’s current DPC points. The player restriction does not affect future tournaments.选手和战队在将来总会犯错误,他们也得承担相应的代价。我们希望这次错误成为他们学习的机会,但承认错误并不代表说犯错就不必付出代价。把错误一笔带过并不有助于解决问题,tnc需要为他们的糟糕决策负责任。由于kuku被要求更换,我们会扣除tnc现有的20%dpc积分。对选手的禁赛不会影响未来的锦标赛