NOTE: I'll add all the commands later, but the ones people use most
avadd (add aimvec)
avclear (clears them)
change_bone <number> (adjust the bone you want to aim at)
adjust_bone <x> <y> <z> (adjust the bone vector to your liking)
recoil FLOAT Recoil level
fov FLOAT Aimbot FOV
ftime FLOAT Fire Time
dtime FLOAT Delay Time
sdelay FLOAT Start delay
rdelay FLOAT Release delay
speed FLOAT Speed hack speed
aspeed FLOAT Auto-speed hack speed
smooth FLOAT Smooth aiming (higher == slower)
centerx FLOAT DisplayCenterX correction
centery FLOAT DisplayCenterY correction
smoke INT Hide smoke
trans INT
flash INT Hide flash
sniper INT Hide sniper blackout
glow INT Glow models
esp INT draw ESP
jump INT Auto-Jump
duck INT Auto DuckJump
lock INT Lock onto target
light INT Light level
aim INT Auto-Aim
mode INT
team INT team to aim at (enemies or friends, or both)
shoot INT auto-shoot
lambert INT lambert hack
wall INT wallhack effect
aimthru INT aimthru walls
barrel INT barrel hack
spiked INT spiked models
box INT aimbox
weapon INT weapon info ESP
name INT name info ESP
info INT information level
tglow INT
sglow INT
distance INT draw distance ESP
glextra INT extra gl effects
autoburst INT
burstflags INT
confont INT switches console/tsay font
cross INT crosshair style
czoom INT continous zoom
bombtimer INT bomb timer
avdraw INT draw aimvectors/bone point
systime INT draw systime
radar INT radar
antizoom INT prevent zoom
pistol INT pistol auto-fire
blood INT blood extras ;)
con_x INT
con_y INT
con_w INT
con_h INT
menu_x INT
menu_y INT
menu_w INT
con_fadespeed INT
text_background INT
menusound INT
radar_x INT
radar_y INT
radar_size INT
lookaim INT sets 'lookaim' on
damageaim INT sets 'damageaim' on (use with caution)
killstats INT draw killstats
better_pi INT makes aiming much better
boneaim INT turns on bone aiming