第二条:一定要在快捷方式后面加 (要有一个空格)-nomaster -game cstrike -console 才好使,要不然加不上。
经我测试在快捷方式后面只加 -game cstrike 也可以用。记住一定要空一格。
"F:\DcOo CS1.6 中文版\hl.exe" 空格-nomaster -game cstrike -console
"F:\DcOo CS1.6 中文版\hl.exe" 空格-game cstrike
我把Mosquito.ini 修改了一下 感觉还可以
//0 = off, 1-5 = mouse button 1-5, 6 = aim always
aimbot_button 6
//0 = off, 1 = on, draws a point where the aimbot aims
aimbot_draw_vector 1
//0 = normal, 1 = inverse, for inverse mouse
aimbot_inverse 0
//0 = SetCursorPos, 1 = ClipCursor, 2 = mouse_event, method of aiming
aimbot_method 2
//offset from player origin on the x-axis
aimbot_offset_x 0
//offset from player origin on the y-axis
aimbot_offset_y 5
//offset from player origin on the z-axis
aimbot_offset_z 22
//horizontal scan range from center
aimbot_scan_x 120
//vertical scan range from center
aimbot_scan_y 90
//0 = off, 1 = static, 2 = dynamic, 3 = bounding box, shows a box on players
esp_box 0
//1 - 4 possible, size of the box line, line style only for size 1
esp_box_line_size 1
//0 = solid, 1 = dashed, 2 = dotted, 3 = dash-dot, 4 = dash-dot-dot
esp_box_line_style 4
//size of the box
esp_box_size 20
//0 = off, 1 = on, shows distance to players in meters
esp_distance 0
//0 = off, 1 = on, shows moving status of players
esp_gaitsequence 0
//0 = off, 1 = on, shows player names
esp_name 0
//0 = off, 1 = on, shows action status of players
esp_sequence 0
//0 = off, 1 = on, shows weapons of players
esp_weapons_player 1
//font size of esp in pixel
font_size 11
//key to activate/deactivate cheat, see keys.txt for a list of keys
key_activate 46
但就是玩半分钟卡10秒钟 的问题很不好解决,可能是该作弊其占用资源比较高把,没办法了!