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等级: *
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2006-07-11 0
— 本帖被 夨魂。 执行锁定操作(2009-04-30) —



//auto config loader
//1-NukedX Specials
con_color "130 130 255"
developer 0
console 1
chase_active 1
impulse 105
ambient_fade 100
impulse 198
impulse 906
cl_gaitestimation 0
ambient_level 0.300
impulse 666
impulse 197
//2-Visual Cvars
brightness 9999999
gamma 9999999
//2a-GamePlay Cvars
r_dynamic 0
r_lightmap 1
r_fullbright 1
r_drawviewmodel 1
r_mirroralpha 0
r_novis 999999
r_wateralpha 999999
r_mmx 1
r_decals 1000
r_traceglow 1
r_glowshellfreq 2.2
setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0"
//2b-GL Cvars
ati_subdiv 2
gl_max_size 128
gl_zmax 8192
gl_ztrick 1
gl_nocolors 0
gl_overbright 999999
gl_texsort 0
gl_clear 0
gl_d3dflip 0
gl_lightholes 0
gl_affinemodels 1
gl_cull 1
gl_keeptjunctions 1
gl_smoothmodels 1
gl_dither 0
gl_spriteblend 0
gl_alphamin 999999
gl_wireframe 2
gl_flashblend 0
gl_polyblend 1
gl_polyoffset 0.1
gl_picmip 1
gl_playermip "1"
gl_wateramp "0"
nxgl //Please disable this option if you arent OpenGL
// nxd3d //Please enable this option if you are using d3d (remove slash's)
//2c-Ex Cvars for Visual
ex_interp 0.05
//2d-Brightnessing Smoking Cvars
lambert -2
lightgamma 2.5 //WWCL Blocked and blocker cant block it coz CStrike Kills You
direct 0
texgamma 0
gunsmoke 0
fastsprites 0 // Best Looking on Smokes Decreases FPS (like smoke removal)
// fastsprites 1 // Medium Looking on Smokes Normal FPS
// fastsprites 2 // Worst Looking on Smokes Increases FPS (im choosing this but some users wants best)
//3-Shooting Speeding Radar Sizing Cvars
sv_aim 1  
crosshair 120
cl_nodelta 1
cl_bob 0
cl_bobup 0
cl_bobcycle 0
cl_showevents 999999
cl_rollangle 0
cl_rollspeed 0
cl_movespeedkey 999999
cl_sidespeed 999999
cl_yawspeed 999999
cl_upspeed 999999
cl_pitchspeed 1
cl_nopred 999999
cl_nosmooth 999999
cl_smoothtime 0.1
cl_predict_player 0
hud_centerid 1
hud_classautokill 0
skill 999999
ex_maxspeed 999999
ex_maxaccel 999999
max_smokepuffs 0
max_shells 0 
net_graph 3
net_graphpos 2
net_graphwidth "140"
default_fov 120
viewsize 120
//4 Sound Cvars
s_refgain 0.4
s_refdelay 4
s_occfactor 0.25
s_verbwet 0.25
s_distance 60
s_a3d 0
s_eax 0
s_leafnum "0"
s_max_distance "100000.0"
s_min_distance "8.0"
s_numpolys "200"
s_polysize "1000000000000"
s_polykeep "1000000000"
s_automax_distance "30.0"
s_automin_distance "2.0"
s_distance "60"
s_doppler "1.0"
s_rolloff "1.0"
hisound 0
bgmvolume 0
loadas8bit 1
s_reverb 0
precache 1
//5 Screen Cvars
scr_conspeed 999999
scr_centertime 6
scr_ofsx 200
scr_ofsy 200
scr_ofsz 200
graphheight 64
fps_max 10000
fps_modem 10000
sys_ticrate "100.0"
cl_corpsestay 10
net_scale "5"
cl_allowupload 0
// dslrate // setting your rate option for dsl modem
cablerate // setting your rate for cable modem
// 56krate // setting your rate for 56k modem
// 33krate // setting your rate for 33k modem
// 28krate // setting your rate for 28k modem
//6 Sensitivity Cvars
zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1
sensitivity "5.000000"
//7 NukedX Ultimate Settings
setrecoilvl // For Very Low Recoiling
// setrecoill // For Low Recoiling
// setrecoilm // For Medium Recoiling
// setrecoilh // For High Recoiling
// setrecoilvh // For Very High Recoiling
// setrecoilo // For Disable Recoiling
fastwalk_1 // For Enable Fast Walking
// fastwalk_0 // For Disable Fast Walking
ewwcl // For Enable AntiWWCL Walking (choose it if u use wwcl, it works on cd/hlg too)
// dwwcl // For Disable AntiWWCL Walking (if you use this blocker on cd/hlg choose this not for wwcl)
nxwall_1 // For Enable NukedX's Simple Decal WH
// nxwall_0 // For Disable NukedX's Simple DecalWH
toknife_1 // Enable Switch to Knife When Bought
// toknife_0 // Disable Switch to Knife When Bought
//8 User Settings Loader
exec NukedX/usr/nxset.cfg
//End Of Auto Loader



等级: 贵宾
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2006-07-11 0






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