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等级: 元老
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2007-06-30 0

Skills needed:

An IQ above 30 (you have to be able to read, but that is about it).

Time needed:

IQ of 90- about 20 min.
IQ of 90+ about 5 to 10 min.

Lets get going:

(We start with the *.dll that will be the main source of code for OGC.)

Open VC++ and select File->New

Select the option titled- "Win32 Dynamic-Link Library"
In the "Project Name" box, put any name you want. (something not to do with ogc would be best)
A new box will popup and say: "What kind of DLL would you like to create?"

Choose- An empty DLL Project."
Hit- "Finish"
Damn Windows popups- a new one will popup and say something about "An empty DLL project will be created for you."
Hit ok to this new popup

You are almost ready to begin the actual process of creating the *.dll:

(If you have gotten lost so far, then you are a moron, and you should stop right here and now!)

Lets start off by putting our files in the same places. I have mine in a folder on the desktop called "OGCtutorial" so you should create the same floder on your desktop.

Right click the desktop.
Select "New"
Select "Folder"
Name the folder "OGCtutorial"
Now, inside of this folder put two new folders- "Loader" and "DLL"

Right click the desktop.
Select "New"
Select "Folder"
Name the folder "Loader"
Right click the desktop again.
Select "New"
Select "Folder"
Name the folder "DLL"
Next, put all of the DLL source files inside of the "DLL" folder.

(Note: There should be three folders with the rest of the source, they will mostly be header files. YOU MUST put these into the DLL folder exactly as they are. So, put the "misc" folder, the "engine" folder, and the "common" folder all in the "DLL" folder.)

Time to make the DLL:

You should have the DLL still open, and ready to go. So, lets get this show on the road, shall we!

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
A new "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the first file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Once you get into your DLL folder, you should see many many files!
So, what are we going to do with these files?! Simple- add them! Lets get adding:

Double click "aimbot.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "apihook.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "attack.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "AutoMove.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "bind.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "calcscreen.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "client.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "color.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "console.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "cvar.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "GenericPatch.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "hookqueue.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "interpreter.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "main.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "menu.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "opengl.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "patchtools.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "playeritems.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "secmodule.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "snake.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "sprites.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "stdafx.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "stringfinder"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "timehandling.cpp"

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\
Double click "Winamp.cpp"

(Tricky step here!)

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\common
Double click "interface.cpp"

(Another tricky little bastard!)

Go to: Project->Add To Project->Files...
An "Insert Files into Project" box should popup.
Follow this path of folders to find the next file to insert: OGCtutorial\DLL\misc
Double click "parsemsg.cpp"

Good, you have added all of the necessary files. Now come the three hardest parts of the building of the *.dll:

Ok, step one-

Goto "Build->Configurations..."
A small popup will come up.
Highlight "Win32 Debug" by clicking on it.
Hit "Remove"
Hit "Close"
On to step two-

Goto "Project->Settings..."
A popup will come up.
You should see everal tabs in the popup (including "General", "Debug", "C/C++", "Link", etc...)
You want to click the "Link" tab.
A bunch of complex looking crap should come up, but have no fear, you won't be spending long here.
A little text box labeled "Object/library modules:" should be somewhere in the middle.
Go all the way to the end of that little box (somewhere after something like "odbccp32.lib")
After all of that, type this (without the quotes): "winmm.lib"
Be sure there is a space before "winmm.lib" and after it.
Hit "OK"
Damn, I think I'm going to cry. You have made it this far so you should be proud! This is the last step in making the *.dll-

Save all your work, and restart your PC! This will save you the trouble of ugly and inconsiderate memory errors.
When Windows comes back up, open your workspace up by looking in your folder for a file ending in .dsw
Make sure this is indeed your workspace, and then goto "Build->Build yournamehere.dll" (where yournamehere is the name of your *.dll).
This may take some time, but you should come up with an error and warning free copy of the dll after it is built. Watch the progress in the bottom window of VC++.

Your *.dll should now be compiled and ready. Simply goto where ever you saved your project, and look for a new folder called "Release". This folder should have your finished *.dll:

Move this *.dll to your main OGCtutorial folder!
*.dll finished!!!
Congratulations on the first 90% of your project being complete.

ws2_32.lib winmm.lib opengl32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib

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