This will check to see if there is an update for your hack. What it does is download a file from the internet and compare it with a string in the hack, if they don't match it alerts you. This took me like 5-10 minutes max, I tried to make it as coder friendly as I could in that amount of time. You may want to add a function to delete the file it creates or whatever, there is infinite possibilities, this is just the barebones. Anyway, I'll stop babbling and give you the code. Add this to your loader or in your DLL under "DllMain" in "main.cpp".
// =================Update Check=================
char ufile[99] = "UPDATE FILE HERE"; // update file
char site[99] = "SITE HERE"; // site
char ver[4] = "3";
char readver[4];
int update;
// download
HRESULT news = URLDownloadToFile(NULL,ufile,"C:/update.txt",NULL,0);
// read and compare
ifstream version("C:/update.txt");,1);
// alert user
if(strcmp(ver,readver) && readver != NULL)
update = MessageBox(0,"Your dll/loader is out of date. Would you like to visit our site?","Update available.",MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_TOPMOST|MB_YESNO);
switch (update)
case IDYES: ShellExecute( NULL, "open",site, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); ExitProcess(0); break;
// ==============================================