Weapon, Ammo, Money, Armor and Hp Hud

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Weapon, Ammo, Money, Armor and Hp Hud



等级: 元老
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2007-07-03 0

Thats a little tutorial from me. For Armor and Hp u will become numbers and no bar's if u want bars search for w00t.nl's tutorial.

// put that in void hudDrawInfoTexts()

if (cvar.weaponhud && me.iClip !=-1 && cvar.newstats)
int wx = 20;
int wy = displayCenterY*2-180-118;

DrawHudString(wx, wy, 0, 0, 0, "WEAPON: %s", gGetWeaponName(me.ent->curstate.weaponmodel) );

if (cvar.ammohud && cvar.newstats)
int ax = 20;
int ay = displayCenterY*2-180-98;

DrawHudString(ax, xy, 0, 0, 0, "AMMO: %d", me.iClip);

if (cvar.moneyhud && cvar.newstats)
int mx = 20;
int my = displayCenterY*2-180-78;

DrawHudString(mx, my, 0, 0, 0, "MONEY: %d", playerItems.money);

if (cvar.hphud && cvar.newstats)
int hx = 20;
int hy = displayCenterY*2-180-58;

DrawHudString(hx, hy, 0, 0, 0, "HP: %i", me.iHealth);

if (cvar.armorhud && cvar.newstats)
int rx = 20;
int ry = displayCenterY*2-180-38;

DrawHudString(rx, ry, 0, 0, 0, "ARMOR: %i", playerItems.armor);

// you can activate 1 by 1 or you can activate all three with "newstats 1"
// don't forgett to register the cvars or u will become errors
// you can change the cvars of course..

have fun...
if u got any errors just post them here..

if (cvar.infobox)
  gEngfuncs.pfnFillRGBA(cvar.infobox_x,cvar.infobox_y,    200, 16,0,0,255,50);
  gEngfuncs.pfnFillRGBA(cvar.infobox_x,cvar.infobox_y+17, 200, 16,0,0,0,130);
  gEngfuncs.pfnFillRGBA(cvar.infobox_x,cvar.infobox_y+34, 200, 16,0,0,0,130);
  gEngfuncs.pfnFillRGBA(cvar.infobox_x,cvar.infobox_y+51, 200, 16,0,0,0,130);
  gEngfuncs.pfnFillRGBA(cvar.infobox_x,cvar.infobox_y+68, 200, 16,0,0,0,130);
  gEngfuncs.pfnFillRGBA(cvar.infobox_x,cvar.infobox_y+85, 200, 16,0,0,0,130);
  gEngfuncs.pfnFillRGBA(cvar.infobox_x,cvar.infobox_y+102, 200, 16,0,0,0,130);
  DrawHudString(cvar.infobox_x,cvar.infobox_y    ,255,255,255,  "Information Box");
  DrawHudString(cvar.infobox_x,cvar.infobox_y+17 ,120,120,255,  "WEAPON: %s", gGetWeaponName(me.ent->curstate.weaponmodel) );
     DrawHudString(cvar.infobox_x,cvar.infobox_y+34 ,120,120,255,  "AMMO: %d", me.iClip);
  DrawHudString(cvar.infobox_x,cvar.infobox_y+51 ,120,120,255,  "MONEY: %d", playerItems.money);
  DrawHudString(cvar.infobox_x,cvar.infobox_y+68 ,120,120,255,  "HP: %i", me.iHealth);
  DrawHudString(cvar.infobox_x,cvar.infobox_y+85 ,120,120,255,  "ARMOR: %i", playerItems.armor);

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