Well for instance this is wallhack code (flautz):
if (Wh_tw)
if(mode != GL_TRIANGLES && mode != GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP && mode != GL_TRIANGLE_FAN && mode != GL_QUADS ) // If HL is drawing a wall
float curcolor[4];
glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, curcolor);
glEnable (GL_BLEND);
glColor4f(curcolor[0], curcolor[1], curcolor[2], 0.5f); // Blend the current colors and make the walls 50% transparent
Notice the glColor4f function. It takes the parameters for red green and blue and the last value is alpha. If you wanted to do a more red wallhack you could add some random value to curcolor[0] like 35 or something. The alpha value will basically remain constant so you can make it a variable.
Just make the glColor4f function look something like
code:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------glColor4f(curcolor[0]+rvalue, curcolor[1]+gvalue, curcolor[2]+bvalue, myalphavariable);--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now in your menu or whatever, just make an option that increments or decrements the values: rvalue, gvalue, bvalue, and myalphavariable.
When you want to save the strings, just save the values to an output file however you want. Next time you load them it will work the way it did.