1 ) Start steam and make a serbor
2 ) Alt-Tab out and run Olly
3 ) File-->Attach HL.exe
4) MAKE SURE TO EXEC THE MODULE (alt +e and double click HL) OR IT WONT DEBUG
5 ) Ctrl + G and put in 01920000
6 ) SLOTS ; hl.retart would be the format you search for...
0193DAA0 8B15 A044A001 MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[1A044A0] ; hl.01EB34C0 is an example
the LEFT is retart, and the right is slots
Sorry if this isn't too complete, but this is the easiest way other then hexing...
You should search for MOV EDX, DWORD and figure out which is which by looking at the rest of what is shown... For instance, it can't be the right line if it states I/O, CAN IT?
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