So to start you should have a good understanding of how the esps you want to use work... then you want to calculate all your esp info (name distance etc) and have it all displayed like this Code:
if(ent != NULL && isValidEnt(ent))
if(CalcScreen(ent->origin, drawhere))
pEngfuncs->pfnFillRGBA(drawhere[0] - 10, drawhere[1] - 10, 20,2,espr,espg,espb,200);
pEngfuncs->pfnFillRGBA(drawhere[0] - 10, drawhere[1] - 10, 2,20,espr,espg,espb,200);
pEngfuncs->pfnFillRGBA(drawhere[0] - 10, drawhere[1] + 10, 20,2,espr,espg,espb,200);
pEngfuncs->pfnFillRGBA(drawhere[0] + 10, drawhere[1] - 10, 2,20,espr,espg,espb,200);
DrawHudStringCenter(drawhere[0], drawhere[1] - 14, espr, espg, espb, nbuf);
DrawHudStringCenter(drawhere[0], drawhere[1], espr, espg, espb, " -[ %s ]- ",gGetWeaponName(ent->curstate.weaponmodel));
You then want to change that to this Code:
if(ent != NULL && isValidEnt(ent))
if(CalcScreen(ent->origin, drawhere))
pEngfuncs->pfnFillRGBA(drawhere[0] - 10, drawhere[1] - 10, 20,2,espr,espg,espb,200);
pEngfuncs->pfnFillRGBA(drawhere[0] - 10, drawhere[1] - 10, 2,20,espr,espg,espb,200);
pEngfuncs->pfnFillRGBA(drawhere[0] - 10, drawhere[1] + 10, 20,2,espr,espg,espb,200);
pEngfuncs->pfnFillRGBA(drawhere[0] + 10, drawhere[1] - 10, 2,20,espr,espg,espb,200);
if((drawhere[0] < centerX + 10 && drawhere[0] > centerX - 10) && (drawhere[1] < centerY + 10 && drawhere[1] > centerY - 10))
DrawHudStringCenter(drawhere[0], drawhere[1] - 14, espr, espg, espb, nbuf);
DrawHudStringCenter(drawhere[0], drawhere[1], espr, espg, espb, " -[ %s ]- ",gGetWeaponName(ent->curstate.weaponmodel));
then when you put ur crosshair inside the box, it will come up with in more detail
alternatively this could be used in the opposite effect. if you wanted your esp to disappear when your aiming at them (that text can get in the way sumtimes)
i even as i was typing came up with the idea that u can check to see if the person is in view if not then display the text when your crosshair is over them... if not dont display the text...
Credits:Ap0calipZ and all in G-D