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等级: 少将
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2008-01-15 0
1.This script is a production of Scr|pters Parad|se studio. It lets you lower down sensitivity while shooting when activated to increase accuracy. (only when shooting). Change values if you like.

alias d1 "developer 1"
alias d0 "developer 0"
alias +z12 "sensitivity 1;wait;+attack"
alias -z12 "sensitivity 6.5;wait;-attack"
//For On and Off
alias +toggle_on "bind mouse1 +z12"
alias -toggle_on "d1;wait;echo ACTIVATED;wait;d0"
alias +toggle_off "bind mouse1 +attack"
alias -toggle_off "d1;wait;echo DEACTIVATED;wait;d0"
bind f1 +toggle_on
bind f2 +toggle_off

2.This script is a production of *Acid* studios. It lets you rescue hostages/when you press the duck key. [It combines the duck and rescue key together.] Hence when you want to save a hostage, just tap duck key and there you're done. For defusing just aim at the bomb or target and crouch, and it defuses for you. This will save you loads of time.

bind "ctrl" "+spRDP"
alias +spRDP "+duck; wait; +use"
alias -spRDP "-duck; wait; -use"

3.This script is a M3 Script by our studio. It is useful as it lets you jump and then shoot. That is good for peep shooting - Jumping over walls and shooting. And great for poolday too. It is useful go try. XD

alias +m3x2 "+jump;wait;wait;+attack"
alias -m3x2 "-jump;wait;wait;-attack"
alias +toggleOn "bind mouse1 +m3x2"
alias -toggleOn "echo ON* ON* ON* ON*"
alias +toggleOff "bind mouse1 +attack"
alias -toggleOff "echo OFF* OFF* OFF* OFF*"
bind "rightarrow" "+toggleOff"
bind "leftarrow" "+toggleOn"

4.This script is a production of Scr|pters Parad|se studio. It changes your reload key to, instead of tapping one time, you have to hold on to reload key to reload, hence whenever you let go, you will stop reloading. This is useful went enemies pop out suddenly while reloading.

alias w3 "wait;wait;wait"
alias fastoff "hud_fastswitch 0"
alias +reloaderEX "+reload;hud_fastswitch 1"
alias -reloaderEX "-reload;slot3;w3;slot1;fastoff"
bind "r" "+reloaderEX"

5.This script is a AWP Script by our studio. It is useful as it lets you shoot, jump, switch to knife then back. Do not worry as the bullet will not go off target bcos you shoot first b4 jump. It is useful go try. XD

The Code:
alias +xawp "+attack;wait;+jump"
alias -xawp "-attack;wait;-jump;slot3;wait;lastinv"
alias +toggleOn "bind mouse1 +xawp"
alias -toggleOn "echo ON* ON* ON* ON*"
alias +toggleOff "bind mouse1 +attack"
alias -toggleOff "echo OFF* OFF* OFF* OFF*"
bind "rightarrow" "+toggleOff"

6.This script is mainly used to avoid flashes. With the press of one key (default x) you can do a 180 turn.

Script :

alias fastturn "fps_max 20; cl_yawspeed 7200; wait; +right; wait; -right; cl_yawspeed 32; fps_max 100"

alias +fastturn "fastturn"
alias -fastturn "fastturn"

bind "x" "fastturn" // REPLACE X with the key you would like to use.
bind "leftarrow" "+toggleOn"

7.alias 2fastflash "impulse 100; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; impulse 100"
bind "f" "2fastflash"

Paste the script into your userconfig.cfg folder. Which can be found in your cstrike folder, and can be opened by notepad.
//Has jumped up and has departed

alias +air "sv_airaccelerate -30;+back;wait;+duck;WAIT;+jump"
alias -air "sv_airaccelerate 10;-back;-duck;-jump"
bind "CAPSLOCK" "+air"

//Has approached and has climbed

alias +st "sv_stepsize 999999"
alias -st "sv_stepsize 18"
bind "alt" "+st"


alias "fb_stop" "fps_max 10;cl_yawspeed 7199;wait;+left;wait;-left;wait;fps_max 140;cl_yawspeed 210"
bind "mouse3" "fb_stop"

9.This script adds 13bots: 3Easys;3Normals;3Hards;4Experts
[4Experts because 13+You = 7on7] Feel free to modify

bind 0 +13bots
alias +13bots "bot_difficulty 0;bot_add;bot_add;bot_add;bot_difficulty 1;bot_add;bot_add;bot_add;bot_difficulty 2;bot_add;bot_add;bot_add;bot_difficulty 3;bot_add;bot_add;bot_add;bot_add;sv_restart 1"


alias "w5" "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait"

alias "burst_fire" "+attack; w5; -attack; w5; +attack; w5; -attack; w5; +attack; w5; -attack; w5; +attack; w5; -attack; w5; +attack; w5; -attack"

bind "p" "burst_fire"

11.NoSiLeNCeR | bY ~> Q-bA11
This script is for those freaked times when you firing away at the enemy at close combat but you accidentally touched mouse2, the silencer button. and you DIE! this script prevents mouse2 from working while you shoot. Applies to M4/BULLPUP/KRIEG

alias attack2OFF ""

alias +attackNO2 "+attack; -attack2; bind mouse2 attack2OFF"
alias -attackNO2 "-attack; bind mouse2 +attack2"

bind "mouse1" "+attackNO2"

12.Gives eXtremely enhanced accuracy while walking..
Insert the following code into your server/autoexec.cfg

The Codealias +mp.own sensitivity 1
alias -mp.own sensitivity x
alias pwn.tog pwn1
alias pwn1 "+mp.own; +speed; alias pwn.tog pwn2"
alias pwn2 "-mp.own; -speed; alias pwn.tog pwn1"
bind "shift" pwn.tog

13.//Advanced Coverme-Reload Script// by: submitted by: Vindexus
Description: Asks for your team for cover when you reload, but doesn't do it when you type the letter it's bound to.

alias +reloadScript "+reload; coverme; say_team Reloading, cover me"
alias reloadOFF ""
alias teamChat "bind r reloadOFF; messagemode2"
alias pubChat "bind r reloadOFF; messagemode"
alias +enter "+attack"
alias -enter "-attack; bind r +reloadScript"

bind "r" "+reloadScript"
bind "Enter" "+enter"
bind "u" "teamChat"
bind "y" pubChat"

14.This can be a serious/useful/useless/InaccuracyIllusion Script.
Mainly because this script lets you switch between hands during shooting,
hence for:

//Serious/Useful: For preventing gun to act as a obstacle during combat.

//Useless: Some people may not feel the need for it.

//Inaccuracy Illusion: It may act as a illusion that the gun will become inaccurate because the gun is constantly moving either <- or ->

The script
alias +switchattker "+attack; cl_righthand 1; bind home normal"
alias -switchattker "-attack; cl_righthand 0 bind home switchatk"
alias switchattack "+switchattker"

bind "keyforactivate" "switchattack"

15.This script is for going back to Non zoom mode. Useful when zoomed once using sniper and lazy to click twice to go back to unzoomed mode. Best to bind with MOUSE3 or MWHEELDOWN/MWHEELUP

alias +zoomx "weapon_knife; w2; slot1; w2; +attack"
alias -zoomx "wait; -attack"
alias w2 "wait; wait"

bind "mouse3" "+zoomx"

16.This can be a serious/useful/useless/InaccuracyIllusion Script.
Mainly because this script lets you switch between hands during shooting,
hence for:

//Serious/Useful: For preventing gun to act as a obstacle during combat.

//Useless: Some people may not feel the need for it.

//Inaccuracy Illusion: It may act as a illusion that the gun will become inaccurate because the gun is constantly moving either <- or ->

The script
alias +switchattker "+attack; cl_righthand 1; bind home normal"
alias -switchattker "-attack; cl_righthand 0 bind home switchatk"
alias switchattack "+switchattker"

bind "keyforactivate" "switchattack"

17.This script is for going back to Non zoom mode. Useful when zoomed once using sniper and lazy to click twice to go back to unzoomed mode. Best to bind with MOUSE3 or MWHEELDOWN/MWHEELUP

alias +zoomx "weapon_knife; w2; slot1; w2; +attack"
alias -zoomx "wait; -attack"
alias w2 "wait; wait"

bind "mouse3" "+zoomx"

18.Description: An extension of the strafe fire script. While walking or running you strafe alternating right and left with each press of the fire button. While ducking you do not strafe, for those long distance shots. Great on pistol round.

alias strafe_toggle_on "bind ctrl +newduck; bind rightarrow +newright; bind leftarrow +newleft; bind end strafe_toggle_off; bind mouse1 +strafeshoot; developer 1; echo Strafe_On; developer 0"
alias strafe_toggle_off "bind ctrl +duck; bind rightarrow +moveright; bind leftarrow +moveleft;bind end strafe_toggle_on; bind mouse1 +coloratk; developer 1; echo Strafe_Off; developer 0"
alias no_strafe "bind mouse1 +attack; Echo Strafe Fire Off; adjust_crosshair"
alias do_strafe "bind mouse1 +strafeshoot; echo Strafe Fire On; adjust_crosshair"
alias +ss_left "+attack; +moveleft; alias +strafeshoot +ss_right; adjust_crosshair"
alias +ss_right "+attack; +moveright; alias +strafeshoot +ss_left; adjust_crosshair"
alias +strafeshoot "+ss_left"
alias -strafeshoot "-attack; -moveleft; -moveright"
alias +newduck "+duck; no_strafe; adjust_crosshair"
alias -newduck "-duck; do_strafe; adjust_crosshair"
alias +newleft "+moveleft; no_strafe; adjust_crosshair"
alias -newleft "-moveleft; do_strafe; adjust_crosshair"
alias +newright "+moveright; no_strafe; adjust_crosshair"
alias -newright "-moveright; do_strafe; adjust_crosshair"

bind "END" "strafe_toggle_on"

19.A marriage between the Crouch Jump Script and the Run/Walk/Crouch Toggle Script with a little bit extra thrown in. It is now possible to execute a jump crouch without screwing up the walk/crouch toggle script. Also, if you are walking and execute a jump crouch and keep holding the jump crouch button to maintain a crouch, you will move at crouching, and not walk+crouching speed! With this script, you will always move in the way best suited to the situation at hand.

To use, replace mouse4 with whatever your walk button is, space with whatever your crouch button is, and alt with your jump button.

bind "ALT" "+cjumpw"
alias walk "+speed; -duck; bind mouse4 run; bind space walkcrouch; bind ALT +cjumpr;"
alias run "-speed; -duck; bind mouse4 walk; bind space crouch; dv1; bind ALT +cjumpw;"
bind "mouse4" "walk"
alias crouch "+duck; -speed; bind space run; bind mouse4 walkcrouch; dv1; bind ALT +cjumpw;"
alias walkcrouch "+duck; -speed; bind space walk; bind mouse4 crouch; dv1; bind ALT +cjumpr;"
bind "space" "crouch"
alias +cjumpw "+jump; +duck"
alias -cjumpw "-jump; -duck; bind mouse4 walk;"
alias +cjumpr "+jump; +duck; -speed;"
alias -cjumpr "-jump; -duck; +speed; bind mouse4 run;"

20.//another simple way to jump like a rabbit -->Gloria Buzau Ruleaza

bind "SPACE" "+bhop"
alias +bhop "alias _special @bhop;@bhop"
alias -bhop "alias _special"
alias @bhop "special;wait;+jump;wait;-jump"

21.//Normally your crosshair will be Black, but when
//you shoot it turns red!
//Just copy this text into config.cfg

cl_crosshair_color "0 0 0"
cl_crosshair_translucent "0"

alias "+str" "+attack; cl_crosshair_color 250"
alias "-str" "-attack; cl_crosshair_color 0"

bind mouse1 +str
[ 此贴被walnhnnhyy在2008-01-15 20:41重新编辑 ]


等级: 少将
举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2008-01-15 0


等级: 少将
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2008-01-15 0
真情奉送啊!不要回复,不顶就不够意思了,不要下载,给你看个够的啊 !顶 !


等级: 新兵
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2008-01-15 0


等级: 少将
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2008-01-15 0
alias is_reloading "weapon_knife; wait; wait; lastinv"
alias +reload_fake "+reload"
alias -reload_fake " -reload; is_reloading"
bind “kp_enter”“+reload_fake”
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