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等级: 少将
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2008-01-17 0
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//Advanced Coverme-Reload Script// by: submitted by: Vindexus
Description: Asks for your team for cover when you reload, but doesn't do it when you type the letter it's bound to.

alias +reloadScript "+reload; coverme; say_team Reloading, cover me"
alias reloadOFF ""
alias teamChat "bind r reloadOFF; messagemode2"
alias pubChat "bind r reloadOFF; messagemode"
alias +enter "+attack"
alias -enter "-attack; bind r +reloadScript"

bind "r" "+reloadScript"
bind "Enter" "+enter"
bind "u" "teamChat"
bind "y" pubChat"

//Advanced Strafe Fire// by: submitted by: EDGEY
Description: An extension of the strafe fire script. While walking or running you strafe alternating right and left with each press of the fire button. While ducking you do not strafe, for those long distance shots. Great on pistol round.
alias strafe_toggle_on "bind ctrl +newduck; bind rightarrow +newright; bind leftarrow +newleft; bind end strafe_toggle_off; bind mouse1 +strafeshoot; developer 1; echo Strafe_On; developer 0"
alias strafe_toggle_off "bind ctrl +duck; bind rightarrow +moveright; bind leftarrow +moveleft;bind end strafe_toggle_on; bind mouse1 +coloratk; developer 1; echo Strafe_Off; developer 0"
alias no_strafe "bind mouse1 +attack; Echo Strafe Fire Off; adjust_crosshair"
alias do_strafe "bind mouse1 +strafeshoot; echo Strafe Fire On; adjust_crosshair"
alias +ss_left "+attack; +moveleft; alias +strafeshoot +ss_right; adjust_crosshair"
alias +ss_right "+attack; +moveright; alias +strafeshoot +ss_left; adjust_crosshair"
alias +strafeshoot "+ss_left"
alias -strafeshoot "-attack; -moveleft; -moveright"
alias +newduck "+duck; no_strafe; adjust_crosshair"
alias -newduck "-duck; do_strafe; adjust_crosshair"
alias +newleft "+

This script hase been abbreviated to fit this page
To see the rest of this script click here: Script Detail

//Amazing Movement Script
// by: submitted by: FatAssAntFarm
Description: A marriage between the Crouch Jump Script and the Run/Walk/Crouch Toggle Script with a little bit extra thrown in. It is now possible to execute a jump crouch without screwing up the walk/crouch toggle script. Also, if you are walking and execute a jump crouch and keep holding the jump crouch button to maintain a crouch, you will move at crouching, and not walk+crouching speed! With this script, you will always move in the way best suited to the situation at hand.

To use, replace mouse4 with whatever your walk button is, space with whatever your crouch button is, and alt with your jump button.

bind "ALT" "+cjumpw"
alias walk "+speed; -duck; bind mouse4 run; bind space walkcrouch; bind ALT +cjumpr;"
alias run "-speed; -duck; bind mouse4 walk; bind space crouch; dv1; bind ALT +cjumpw;"
bind "mouse4" "walk"
alias crouch "+duck; -speed; bind space run; bind mouse4 walkcrouch; dv1; bind ALT +cjumpw;"
alias walkcrouch "+duck; -speed; bind space walk; bind mouse4 crouch; dv1; bind ALT +cjumpr;"
bind "space" "crouch"
alias +cjumpw "+jump; +duck"
alias -cjumpw "-jump; -duck; bind mouse4 walk;"
alias +cjumpr "+jump; +duck; -speed;"
alias -cjumpr "-jump; -duck; +speed; bind mouse4 run;"

//Bomb Jump Script// by: submitted by: |EHK|Sibling
Description: Makes you do very funny jump as have the bomb and pistol out.

alias w2 "wait; wait"
alias w3 "w2; wait"
alias w4 "w2; w2"
alias w5 "w3; w2"
alias qpist "slot2; w2; +attack; w2; -attack"

alias +bombjump "qpist; w5; +attack; w5; w5; +reload; w5; w5; w5; weapon_c4; w5; w5; +jump"
alias -bombjump "-attack; w5; w5; w5; w5;-reload; w5; w5; w5; w5; w5; w5; w5; -jump"

bind "x" "+bombjump"

//Bomb Plant Script // by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: *Updated for CS1.6* This Script plants the bomb and tells your team to Cover you. You bind a key to +bomb.

alias +bomb "weapon_c4; +duck; +attack; coverme; say_team Cover me I'm planting the bomb"
alias -bomb "-duck; -attack"

bind "b" "+bomb"

//Bomb Plant Script
// by: submitted by: FatAssAntFarm
Description: Tells your team you are planting a bomb and tells your team you have done planting it.

alias +bomb "weapon_c4; +duck; +attack; say_team ::Cover me I'm Planting The Bomb::"
alias -bomb "-duck; -attack; say_team ::Bomb Has Been Planted::"

bind "f" "+bomb"

//Buy-ammo-and-move-script// by: submitted by: Miro
Description: Buy you ammo for both your guns when you move, so you can buy faster when your at spawn.

alias fullprim "buyammo1: buyammo1"
alias fullpist "buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2"
alias ammo "fullprim; fullpist"

alias +cforward "+forward; ammo"
alias -cforward "-forward; ammo"
alias +cback "+back; ammo"
alias -cback "-back; ammo"
alias +cmoveleft "+moveleft; ammo"
alias -cmoveleft "-moveleft; ammo"
alias +cmoveright "+moveright; ammo"
alias -cmoveright "-moveright; ammo"

bind w "+cforward"
bind s "+cback"
bind a "+cmoveleft"
bind d "+cmoveright"

(Edited by SxRxRnR - Added Toggle Option)

alias ammot_tog "ammo_off"
alias ammo_off "bind w +forward; bind s +back; bind a +moveleft; bind d +moveright; ammo_tog ammon_on"
alias ammo_on "bind w +cforward; bind s +cback; bind a +cmoveleft; bind d +cmoveright; ammo_tog ammon_off"

bind l "ammo_tog"

//Chooseteam Script// by: submitted by: Carl-cox-
Description: This script will automatically select a random model for which team you want to join. Now all you have to do is hit one key. Just bind one key for joining Terrorists and one for joining CT's.

alias tclr "slot10; wait; wait; slot10"
alias auto_t "chooseteam; wait; menuselect 1; wait; menuselect 5; wait; tclr"
alias auto_ct "chooseteam; wait; menuselect 2; wait; menuselect 5; wait; tclr"

bind "z" "auto_t"

bind "x" "auto_ct

//CrossHair Color Attack// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This script changes the crosshair color every time you press Attack. Useful for maps where the map's colors might interfere with the crosshair color, and also it is a good visual cue.

alias +coloratk "+attack; adjust_crosshair"
alias -coloratk "-attack"

bind "MOUSE1" "+coloratk"

//Crouch Jump & Fire Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This Script executes a crouch jump while firing.

alias cjumpfire "cjumpfireon"
alias cjumpfireon "bind mouse1 +fire; alias cjumpfire cjumpfireoff"
alias cjumpfireoff "bind mouse1 +attack; alias cjumpfire cjumpfireon"
alias +fire "+cjump; wait; wait; wait; +attack"
alias -fire "-attack; -cjump; bind mouse1 +attack1"

bind "kp_enter" "cjumpfire"

//Crouch Jump Clear Script// by: submitted by: Simoski
Description: This script is a combination of the jump/crouch/clear menus off screen script-very handy for that quick getaway from spawn.

alias +cjumpclr "+jump; wait; +duck; mclr"
alias -cjumpclr "-jump; wait; -duck"
alias "mclr" "slot10; wait; wait; slot10"

bind "ctrl "+cjumpclr"

//Crouch Jump Modified Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This is a modification to the widely used Crouch Jump Script. This one is supposed to be more reliable. Try them out and pick the one that is best for you.

alias +cduck "-jump; wait; bind shift +jump; wait; +duck"
alias -cduck "-duck; wait; bind shift +cjump"

bind "space" "+cduck"

//Crouch Jump Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This is a widely used Script to Crouch Jump instead of standard jump, for added height.

alias +cjump "+jump; +duck"
alias -cjump "-jump; -duck"

bind "space" "+cjump"

//Crouch Reload & Cover Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: *Updated for CS1.6* Similar to others like the normal Reload & Cover Script. This one simply ducks as you reload and asks for cover.

alias +ducrecov "+duck; wait; +reload; coverme; say_team Cover me I'm reloading"
alias -ducrecov "-duck; wait; -reload"

bind "x" "+ducrecov"

//Crouch Toggle Enhanced Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This script, when activated will make you duck and stay in a crouch without holding a key; and you will immediately stand up when you fire or de-activate it. This example uses "enter" as the key to activate and de-activate.

alias "ctoggle" "crouch"
alias stand "-duck; bind mouse1 +attack; alias ctoggle crouch"
alias crouch "+duck; bind mouse1 +release; alias ctoggle stand"
alias +release "+attack; -duck"
alias -release "-attack; bind mouse1 +attack; alias ctoggle crouch"

bind "enter" "ctoggle"

//Crouch Toggle Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This Script allows you to crouch without holding a key. Press it once to crouch and again to stand.

alias duck_t "duck_on"
alias duck_on "alias duck_t duck_off; +duck; developer 1; echo Ducking enabled; developer 0"
alias duck_off "alias duck_t duck_on; -duck; developer 1; echo Standing enabled; developer 0"

bind "x" "duck_t"

//CS1.6 Fast Shield by Dodgy Embalmer// by: submitted by: Dodgy
Description: This small script allows you to drop shield fire a shot and raise shield with just the fire button.

// Basic Aliases
alias "wt" "wait"
alias "wt2" "wt;wt"
alias "wt3" "wt2;wt"
alias "wt4" "wt2;wt2"
alias "wt5" "wt4;wt"
alias "wt6" "wt4;wt2"
alias "wt10" "wt5;wt5"
alias "wt15" "wt10;wt5"
alias "d1" "developer 1"
alias "d0" "developer 0"

// Fast Shield Bind a Key "fshield"
alias "fshield" "fshield1"
alias "fshield1" "d1; echo -=FAST SHIELD ON=-; d0; bind mouse1 shatk; alias fshield fshield0"
alias "fshield0" "d1; echo -=FAST SHIELD OFF=-; d0; bind mouse1 +attack; alias fshield fshield1"
alias "shatk" "+attack2; wt15; -attack2; wt15; +attack; wt15; -attack; wt15; +attack2; wt15; -attack2"

//Cyanide Pill Script// by: submitted by: S9ilentscope
Description: This script drops your gun so enemies only get ammo in the gun (none for reload),throws any he grenade, and kills yourself so enemies don't get cash for your dead body.

alias +cyanide "weapon_mp5navy; weapon_p90; weapon_tmp; weapon_ump45; weapon_mac10; weapon_ak47; weapon_sg552; weapon_m4a1; weapon_aug; weapon_m3; weapon_xm1014; weapon_scout; weapon_awp; weapon_g3sg1; weapon_sg550; weapon_m249; drop; weapon_glock18; weapon_usp; weapon_deagle; weapon_p228; weapon_elite; weapon_fiveseven; drop; he_grenade; wait; wait; +attack"
alias -cyanide "-attack; wait; wait; kill"

bind "F12" "+cyanide"

//Defuse & Cover Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: *Updated for CS1.6* This Script tells your team to Cover you as you defuse the bomb. You bind a key to +defuse.

alias +defuse "+use; coverme; say_team Cover me I'm defusing the bomb"
alias -defuse "-use"

bind "d" "+defuse"

//Drop C4 Script// by: submitted by: GibSG
Description: One button that switches to the C4, drops it and returns to your original gun.

alias +dbomb "weapon_c4; wait; drop"
alias -dbomb "lastinv"

bind "x" "+dbomb"

//Duck, Slow down and Aim// by: submitted by: skyd1v3r
Description: This script will tune your mouse sensitivity down while you duck and return you back to your original setting after you release the bound key. Remember to set the sensitivity to what you use.

alias +duckslow "+duck; sensitivity 4"
alias -duckslow "-duck; sensitivity 9"

bind shift "+duckslow"

//Enemy Down Spray Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: *Updated for CS1.6* This Script sprays your Spraypaint and says the "Enemy Down" Radio Call when the key is pressed.

alias +killspray "impulse 201"
alias -killspray "enemydown"

bind "k" "+killspray"

//Enemy Spotted Fire - Enhanced// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This script will execute the radio call "Enemy Spotted" every 5th time you fire using the MOUSE1 button. This makes it so you are not spamming the radio call on every button press.

alias +attack3 "+attack; enemyspot"
alias -attack3 "-attack; bind MOUSE1 +attack4"
alias +attack4 "+attack"
alias -attack4 "-attack; bind MOUSE1 +attack5"
alias +attack5 "+attack"
alias -attack5 "-attack; bind MOUSE1 +attack6"
alias +attack6 "+attack"
alias -attack6 "-attack; bind MOUSE1 +attack7"
alias +attack7 "+attack"
alias -attack7 "-attack; bind MOUSE1 +attack3"

bind "MOUSE1" "+attack3"

//Enemy Spotted Fire Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This Script is an alternate fire script that gives the radio call "Enemy Spotted" as you fire. This would normally replace your normal +attack (MOUSE1).
alias +attack3 "+attack; enemyspot"
alias -attack3 "-attack"

bind "MOUSE1" "+attack3"

//EZ Jump, Duck & Speed Script// by: submitted by: ItchEtrigR
Description: A full "No Conflict" Jump, duck & speed script with a speed toggle that inverts the speed key to run or walk depending on the speed toggle.

alias +nc.jump "-speed; alias d.spd; alias +spd; alias dnc.spd; nc.duck; nc.wait; +jump; +duck; wait; -jump; alias d.duck"
alias -nc.jump "j.spd; alias d.spd spd; jnc.spd; alias dnc.spd alias +spd +speed; j.duck; alias d.duck -duck"
alias +nc.duck "-speed; alias j.spd; alias +spd; alias jnc.spd; +duck; alias nc.duck -duck; alias nc.wait wait; alias j.duck"
alias -nc.duck "d.spd; alias j.spd spd; dnc.spd; alias jnc.spd alias +spd +speed; d.duck; alias j.duck -duck"
alias +nc.speed "speed.on"
alias -nc.speed "speed.off"

alias speed.on "+spd; alias spd +speed"
alias speed.off "-speed; alias spd"
alias nc.speed.tog "nc.speed.on"
alias nc.speed.on "speed.on; alias +nc.speed speed.off; alias -nc.speed speed.on; d1; echo *** Walk Activated ***; d0; alias nc.speed.tog nc.speed.off"
alias nc.speed.off "speed.off; alias +nc.speed speed.on; alias -nc.speed speed.off; d1; echo *** Walk Deactivated ***; d0; alias nc.speed

This script hase been abbreviated to fit this page
To see the rest of this script click here: Script Detail

//Hold Reload / Cover Me Script (For 1.6)// by: submitted by: Vindexus
Description: This script will ask for cover when you reload, and requires you to hold your reload button. That way, if you get jumped on when reloading, you let go and it'll bring you back to your weapon. This script also won't say "Reloading, cover me" when you press "R" while typing a message.

alias +reloadCover "+reload; coverme; say_team Reloading, cover me"
alias -reloadCover "-reload; weapon_knife; wait; wait; wait; lastinv"
alias reloadOFF ""

alias teamChat "bind r reloadOFF; messagemode2"
alias pubChat "bind r reloadOFF; messagemode"
alias +enter "+attack"
alias -enter "bind r +reloadCover"

bind r "+reloadCover"
bind ENTER "+enter"
bind y "pubChat"
bind r "teamChat"

//Hold Reload Script// by: submitted by: MathiasRav
Description: This script requires you to hold r (or what key you use for reloading) instead of just pressing it, so if you meet an enemy while you're reloading, just release R to stop reloading! This script assumes that you have fastswitch off. If you don't, just remove "hud_fastswitch 0" from the alias.

// Regular wait aliases
alias w "wait"
alias w3 "w; w; w"

alias +holdreload "+reload; hud_fastswitch 1"
alias -holdreload "-reload; slot3; w3; slot1"

bind "R" "+holdreload"

//Hostage Rescue Jump Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This Script combines your jump with the +use command, so all you have to do is jump near a hostage to rescue them.

alias +jumpres "+jump; wait; +use"
alias -jumpres "-jump; wait; -use"

bind "enter" "+jumpres"

//Jump Clear Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This Script combines your jump with the a clear menu command, so all you have to do is jump when one of your menus doesn't close.

alias +jumpclr "+jump; mclr"
alias -jumpclr "-jump"
alias "mclr" "slot10; wait; wait; slot10"
bind "space" "+jumpclr"

//Jump Duck Toggle// by: submitted by: JayMan2889
Description: Bind the 2 keys that are ? one to toggle the jump-duck script, the other to your regular jump key (showed by the binds just incase you miss this or dont understand). Turn on the script, it will duck-jump for you, turn it off, it will be normal jumping.

alias w "wait"
alias w2 "w; w"
alias d1 "developer 1"
alias d0 "developer 0"

alias djtog "djson"
alias djson "d1; echo Duck-Jump Toggle *ON*; w; djon"
alias djsoff "d1; echo Duck-Jump Toggle *OFF*; w; djoff"
alias djon "alias +rjump +djump; alias -rjump -djump; alias djtog djsoff"
alias djoff "alias +rjump +jump; alias -rjump -jump; alias djtog djson"

alias +rjump "+jump" //Normal Jump...bind ur jump key to this.
alias -rjump "-jump"

alias +djump "+jump; +duck; w"
alias -djump "-jump; -duck"

bind "?" "+rjump" //Jump...(change ? to your jump key
bind "?" "djtog" //Turn toggle on/off

//Low Sensitivity Fire// by: submitted by: elmoy
Description: This script will set down your sensitivity when you press fire, but only when you press fire. You can toggle this on and off by binding the "lov" alias.

//You can change the sensitivity to your playing style
alias myse "sensitivity 4.0"
alias +lov "sensitivity 3.0; w; +attack"
alias -lov "myse; w; -attack"
alias lov "lov1"
alias lov1 "bind mouse1 +lov; d1; echo LOW SENSITIVITY ON; d0; alias lov lov2"
alias lov2 "bind mouse1 +attack; d1; echo LOW SENSITIVITY OFF; d0; alias lov lov1"
alias w "wait"
alias d1 "developer 1"
alias d0 "developer 0"
bind "z" "lov"

//Mouse Run// by: submitted by: Miro
Description: You hold down your mouse3 button...when your holding it, it takes out your knife so you run faster, then when you let go it pulls out your pistol then your rifle...so your pistol is in your lastinv. Great if some1 jumps out at you.

alias w2 "wait; wait"
alias qknif "weapon_knife"
alias qwpn "weapon_mp5navy; weapon_p90; weapon_tmp; weapon_ump45; weapon_mac10; weapon_ak47; weapon_sg552; weapon_m4a1; weapon_aug; weapon_m3; weapon_xm1014; weapon_scout; weapon_awp; weapon_g3sg1; weapon_sg550; weapon_m249"
alias qpist "weapon_glock18; weapon_usp; weapon_deagle; weapon_p228; weapon_elite; weapon_fiveseven"
alias +run "qknif"
alias -run "qpist; w2; qwpn"

bind mouse3 "+run"

//MouseWheel Weapon Cycler// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This Script is a very basic script that allows you to cycle to your next or previous weapon with your MouseWheel.

alias nextweap "invnext; w3; +attack; w2; -attack"
alias prevweap "invprev; w3; +attack; w2; -attack"

bind "mwheelup" "nextweap"
bind "mwheeldown" "prevweap"

//Movement Stopper Script// by: submitted by: Fat4ssAntFarm
Description: This script will stop all directional movement instantly, in order to provide better accuracy while avoiding attackers. Replace your normal movement keys with these aliases.

alias w3 "wait; wait; wait"
alias w9 "w3; w3; w3"
alias +runleft "+moveleft"
alias -runleft "-moveleft; +moveright; w9; -moveright"
alias +runright "+moveright"
alias -runright "-moveright; +moveleft; w9; -moveleft"
alias +runforward "+forward"
alias -runforward "-forward; +back; w9; -back"
alias +runback "+back"
alias -runback "-back; +forward; w9; -forward"

bind w "+runforward"
bind s "+runback"
bind a "+runleft"
bind d "+runright"

//One Button Reload/Stop Reloading Toggle// by: submitted by: PepperMill
Description: Reload and stop reloading with the same button.

alias "+ar" "alias +togreload +togreload1; wait; +attack"
alias "-ar" "-attack"
alias "rslot1" "alias +togreload +togreload1; slot1"
alias "rslot2" "alias +togreload +togreload1; slot2"
alias "+togreload" "+togreload1"
alias "-togreload" "-togreload1"
alias "+togreload1" "+reload; alias -togreload -togreload1; alias +togreload togreload2"
alias "-togreload1" "-reload"
alias "togreload2" "weapon_knife; wait; lastinv; alias -togreload ; alias +togreload +togreload1"

bind "1" "rslot1"
bind "2" "rslot2"
bind "g" "alias +togreload +togreload1; drop"
bind "q" "alias +togreload +togreload1; lastinv"
bind "r" "+togreload"
bind "MOUSE1" "+ar"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "alias +togreload +togreload1; invnext"
bind "MWHEELUP" "alias +togreload +togreload1; invprev"

//Quick Slash Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: When the key that you bind to +qslash is held down, this alias will pull out your knife and start slashing. When you release the key, it will bring out your last weapon.

alias +qslash "weapon_knife; wait; +attack"
alias -qslash "-attack; lastinv"

bind "alt" "+qslash"

//Quick Stab Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: When the key that you bind to +qstab is held down, this alias will pull out your knife and start stabbing. When you release the key, it will bring out your last weapon.

alias +qstab "weapon_knife; wait; +attack2"
alias -qstab "-attack2; wait; lastinv"

bind "alt" "+qstab"

//Reload and Cover Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: *Updated for CS1.6* This reloads your weapon and asks for cover.

alias +recov "+reload; wait; coverme; say_team cover me I'm reloading"
alias -recov "-reload"
bind "r" "+recov"

//Reload Stop Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This Script stops your current weapon from reloading and switches back to it quickly.

alias reload_stop "weapon_knife; wait; wait; wait; lastinv"

bind "q" "reload_stop"

//Run/Walk/Crouch Toggle Script// by: submitted by: EmbraceThePing
Description: Crouch when your walking and normally you'd have to switch back to "run" to move. Switch back to standing and you'd be running instead of sneaking up on someone.
This script handles it all for you! If you are walking just hit couch and you're still moving, hit it again and you're straight back into a walk.
Note: This script is set to "Q" walk/run toggle and "C" to crouch/stand toggle if you have other prefs then change the appropriate binds.

alias walk "+speed; -duck; bind q run; bind c crouchwalk; dv1; echo Walking; dv0"
alias run "-speed; -duck; bind q walk; bind c crouch; dv1; echo Running; dv0"
alias crouchwalk "+duck; -speed; bind c walk; bind q crouch; dv1; echo Crouching Ready to Run; dv0"
bind "q" "walk"

alias crouch "+duck; -speed; bind c stand; bind q walkcrouch; dv1; echo Crouching; dv0"
alias stand "-duck; -speed; dv0; bind c crouch; bind q walk; dv1; echo Standing"
alias walkcrouch "+duck; -speed; bind c walk; bind q crouch; dv1; echo Crouching Ready to Walk; dv0"

bind "c" "crouch"

//ScouT WhorE// by: submitted by: NumB-nUTz
Description: Uses simple walk command infront before firing to greatly improve accuracy with the scout while on the move.

alias d1 "developer 1"
alias d0 "developer 0"
alias +whore "+speed;+attack"
alias -whore "-attack;-speed"
alias whoreon "bind mouse1 +whore;d1;echo ::ScouT WhorE: 0n::;d0;alias whore_switch whoreoff"
alias whoreoff "bind mouse1 +attack;d1;echo ::ScouT Whore: 0ff::;d0;alias whore_switch whoreon"
alias whore_switch "pwnon"

bind END "whore_switch"

//Scoutzknivez Keyboard Strafe Script
// by: submitted by: FatAssAntFarm
Description: Using this script you can strafe using the keyboard instead of the mouse! Easy off and on button - all controls are default until you turn it on, and go back to default when you turn it off! :D You have to bind +gostrafe and +nostrafe to different keys in order for this to work (e.g. bind mouse4 +gostrafe and bind mouse5 +nostrafe). When you press the +gostrafe key you can strafe, and then press the +nostrafe key to stop strafing.
Yawspeed is what affects the keyboard turning speed - a higher yawspeed means a higher turning speed (all this is done without using the mouse). Change it if you feel the need.

alias +stra "+left; +moveleft"
alias -stra "-left; -moveleft"
alias +straf "+right; +moveright"
alias -straf "-right; -moveright"
alias +gostrafe "-left; -right; -moveleft; -moveright; -forward; unbind a; unbind d; bind a +stra; bind d +straf"
alias -gostrafe "bind a +stra; bind d +straf"
alias +nostrafe "-left; -right; -moveleft; -moveright; -forward; unbind a; unbind d; bind a +moveleft; bind d +moveright"
alias -nostrafe "bind a +moveleft; bind d +moveright"
cl_yawspeed 450

//Speed Attack Script// by: submitted by: NoVa
Description: With this script you can slow down when you attacking to increase shot accuracy.

alias +speedatk "+speed; +attack"
alias -speedatk "-speed; -attack"

bind "x" "+speedatk"

//Stop Reload Advanced Script// by: submitted by: elmoy
Description: When you reload, if somebody attacks you, press mouse1 (will stop reload) and attack!

alias rld1 "bind mouse1 rld3; rld2"
alias rld2 "+reload; w10; -reload; mouse1a"
alias rld3 "weapon_knife; w3; lastinv; mouse1a"
alias mouse1a "bind mouse1 +attack"
alias "w3" "wait; wait; wait"
alias "w5" "w3; wait; wait"
alias "w10" "w5 ; w5"

bind "shift" "rld1"

//Strafe Shoot Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This Script allows you to strafe and shoot as you move. It alternates between left and right while firing.

alias +ss_left "+attack; +moveleft; alias +strafeshoot +ss_right"
alias +ss_right "+attack; +moveright; alias +strafeshoot +ss_left"
alias +strafeshoot "+ss_left"
alias -strafeshoot "-attack; -moveleft; -moveright"

bind "mouse3" "+strafeshoot"

//Suicide Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This script warns your team of your impending death; then kills you so the enemy doesn't get the money for the kill.

alias +suicide "say_team I'm being overrun; radio1; menuselect 6; slot10"
alias -suicide "slot10; wait; wait; slot10; kill"

bind "SPACE" "+suicide"

//Ultimate Fast Weapon Switch// by: submitted by: monkey fist

alias go_slot1 "weapon_ak47; weapon_aug; weapon_g3sg1; weapon_m249; weapon_m4a1; weapon_m3; weapon_mac10; weapon_mp5navy; weapon_p90; weapon_scout; weapon_sg552; weapon_sg550; weapon_ump45; weapon_tmp; weapon_xm1014; weapon_awp"
alias go_slot2 "weapon_deagle; weapon_usp; weapon_glock18; weapon_p228; weapon_elite; weapon_fiveseven"
alias go_slot3 "weapon_knife"
alias pist_kni_gun "gun_pist_pist_on"
alias switchweapmsg1 "developer 1; echo FastSwitch Mode:: Gun-Pistol; developer 0"
alias switchweapmsg2 "developer 1; echo FastSwitch Mode:: Pistol-Knife; developer 0"
alias switchweapmsg3 "developer 1; echo FastSwitch Mode:: Gun-Pistol-Knife; developer 0"
alias selectswitch "pist_knife"
alias gun_pist "alias pist_kni_gun gun_pist_pist_on; alias selectswitch pist_knife; go_slot1; switchweapmsg1"
alias pist_knife "alias pist_kni_gun pist_knife_pist_on; alias selectswitch gun_pist_knife; go_slot2; switchweapmsg2"

This script hase been abbreviated to fit this page
To see the rest of this script click here: Script Detail

//Walk Toggle Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This Script allows you to walk without holding a key. Press it once to walk and again to run.

alias walk_t "walk_on"
alias walk_on "alias walk_t walk_off; +speed; developer 1; echo Walking enabled; developer 0"
alias walk_off "alias walk_t walk_on; -speed; developer 1; echo Running enabled; developer 0"

bind "w" "walk_t"

//Walktoggle Enhanced Script// by: submitted by: Luis Cypher
Description: This script is a normal walktoggle script but it also automatically resumes running when you start firing (or if you press the button again). You do not have to have a finger on the walk toggle key all the time any more...

alias "walktoggle" "walk"
alias run "-speed; bind mouse1 +attack; alias walktoggle walk"
alias walk "+speed; bind mouse1 +wakeup; alias walktoggle run"
alias +wakeup "+attack; -speed"
alias -wakeup "-attack; bind mouse1 +attack; alias walktoggle walk"

bind "yourkey" "walktoggle"

//Walktoggle Plus Script// by: submitted by: Vanquish
Description: Walktoggle that stops when jump, duck, or fire.

alias "walktoggle" "walk"
alias run "-speed; bind mouse1 +attack; alias walktoggle walk"
alias walk "+speed; bind mouse1 +wakeup; alias walktoggle run"
alias +wakeup "+attack; -speed"
alias -wakeup "-attack; bind mouse1 +attack; alias walktoggle walk"

alias "+SpeedDuck" "-speed; +duck"
alias "-SpeedDuck" "-duck; alias walktoggle walk"

alias "+SpeedJump" "-speed;+jump"
alias "-SpeedJump" "-jump; alias walktoggle walk"

bind "your jump key" "+SpeedJump"
bind "your duck key" "+SpeedDuck"
bind "your walk key" "walktoggle"

//Weapon Mousecycle Attack Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This script allows you to cycle through your weapons with the mousewheel when on, and will rebind your MWHEELUP to +attack2 and MWHEELDOWN to +reload when off. MOUSE3 is used in this example to toggle it on and off.

alias "wpn1" "invprev; +attack; wait; -attack"
alias "wpn2" "invnext; +attack; wait; -attack"
alias "toggle1" "bind MWHEELUP +attack2; bind MWHEELDOWN +reload; bind MOUSE3 toggle2"
alias "toggle2" "bind MWHEELUP wpn1; bind MWHEELDOWN wpn2; bind MOUSE3 toggle1"

bind "MOUSE3" "toggle1"
bind "MWHEELUP" "wpn1"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "wpn2"



等级: 上士
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2008-01-18 0


等级: 列兵
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2008-01-18 0
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