国外作弊制作者介入中国175PT大概情况(转贴 )

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[【CS讨论】]国外作弊制作者介入中国175PT大概情况(转贴 )



等级: 中将

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2008-05-24 0
国外作弊制作者介入中国175PT大概情况175PT - AntiCheat From China lulz
      Hai, last days i was checking this anticheat tool. At the moment its unbeatable in China, rumors says that the best cheat coder from china was recruted to write it. I must say its the best ring3 anticheat since old Cheating-Death.
      hai, 近几天在测试一个反作弊工具,目前在中国是无敌的,谣传说中国最好的作弊器编写高手被吸收过去写这个工具。我觉得这是自从旧C-D以来最好的ring3反作弊工具。

    In short i can tell you it sets a lot of hooks, on all important engine / client / kernel / opengl / etc functions, so when your code will try to hook you will fail. Next it compares almost all possible memory locations, dont think that slotfx ptr replace, client export, tib opengl hooking or famillar will work. My solution for hooks = use drx hooking, but this will be patched soon probably. Also it has some antidebuger checks, its not hard to bypass at all. Also every time you make it start the game, it renames cstrike.exe to random name, run it and change window/class name.

      简单的,我可以告诉你,它设置了很多HOOK.在全部重要的engine/client/kernel/opengl等等功能,当你的代码试图HOOK,你将失败,另外它比较了几乎全部可能的记忆地址,不要想xxxxx替换(不懂啥意思)client导出,tibopenglhooking或则类似的其他工作会生效。 我的Hooks方法 = 使用drx hooking,但这可能在不久就会被补丁。而且他还有一些反调试检查,要忽略他们不是太困难,每次你用它启动程序的时候,cstrike.exe都回被修改成随机的名字,运行它会修改窗口/类名字.

      From what i seen, he uses code from g-d for hooking clinet export table. I wouldnt be suprised if that guy is a member here, if he dont use proxy he would be probably easy tracable by Abso )
      根据我的判断,他使用了来自g-d的用来hooking client export表的代码,我不会感到吃惊,如果这个家伙是这里的成员,如果他不使用*****,他应该可以通过Abso很容易跟踪到。

        Also the last thing which was the biggest suprise for me is that, any external cheat (ring0 cheat, mosquito) or even built in game WolrdToScreen, will not work when you are alive, and your esp will always fly in the sky. I wont tell why, for people who know the engine it wont be hard to find out.
        同时最后的事情,也是它对我最大的惊奇,任何外部作弊器(ring 0作弊,蚊子)甚至游戏中内建的WorldToScreen,都不能工作,当你还活着的时候,并且你的ESP将宗室飞在在天上,我不想告诉你为什么,为了那些知道引擎他是很难被发现的(这段狗屁不通,我不懂什么意思)

      As attachment there is anticheat module dump from the game (it works only for nosteam, chinese guys dont play at steam). Have Fun.

注:Nosteam=盗版 Steam = 正版



等级: 少校
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2008-05-24 0


等级: 大尉

举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2008-05-25 0
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