骗人的....我去XZONE主页看了.... 根本没有更新嘛!!!
SysInfoReader.rar With this program you can purchase our products. Just download it, copy executable to your VALVE/HALF-LIFE folder and run it. Then simply follow the instructions in it. If you experience any problems just contact me. ~
~ 345kb none none yes
[XZONE]Team 'asi' Disabler for sXe 5.1.exe
This hack includes the following features: BoxEsp, PlayerGlow, PlayerBarrel, PlayerLight, NoFlash, PercentFlash.
This product is not hardware locked, uses online auth system.
Exclusive price 5$ ONLY! The product is Shareware. sXe 5.1
Proof 2Mb (1) video yes
CB Elite Hack Installer for sXe 5.1.exe Hack includes:
WallHack, BoxEsp, NoSmoke, Aimbot (head, neck, body), Perfect Antirecoil, RadarEsp, HitBoxESP, RangeESP, NameESP, WeaponESP, AimPoint. The product is Shareware. sXe 5.1
Proof 5Mb (1) video yes
GH3 (CS 1.5) Installer for sXe 5.1.exe This hack includes: Draw Time, xqzWallHack, asusWallHack, Lambert, WhiteWalls, FullBright, NoSmoke, NoFlash, CrossHair, BlueHudMenu, Zoom. Works with SOCL2. Shareware. sXe 5.1
Proof 1.5Mb (1) video yes
Max Hack 2 Pro Installer for sXe 5.1.exe This hack includes: Aimbot, NameEsp, SpeedHack, Draw Time, xqzWallHack, asusWallHack, Lambert, WhiteWalls, FullBright, NoSmoke, NoFlash, CrossHair, BlueHudMenu, Zoom. Shareware.
sXe 5.1
Proof 1.5Mb (1) video yes
Max Hack 2 Installer for sXe 5.1.exe This hack includes: Aimbot, NameEsp, Box Esp, WallHack, SpeedHack, Nosmoke.
The product is Shareware. See our forums for more information. sXe 5.1
Proof 1.5Mb (1) video yes