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等级: 中尉
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2008-11-15 0
Oblivion v3.07c -超级MapHack 1'{A,!  
- In-Game(游戏中) /kKF|Hg`c  
Ckc4U. t|  
F5Toggle lag defender on/off. (Removes lag box screen) lQSKY}h  
F6Use zerg mineral hack exploit on selected larva, hydralisk or mutalisk. R;68C6 4  
Ctrl+ F6Use zerg building recycle exploit on selected hatchery, lair, spire or creep colony. 97%S{_2m/  
F7 Carry out last build command on selected worker. (Useful for stacking maps) l&f"qF?  
F8 Add/Remove unit for auto queue. +hJ@w-u,G  
Ctrl + F8 Remove all units for auto queue. Xj^Hy"HC^~  
F9 Toggle global auto queue on/off. uFzvb0O`O  
Ctrl+F9 Toggle subunit auto queue on/off. ah (lH5r  
F11Toggle elapsed timer mode forwards. =/J{>S>(i  
Ctrl +F11 Toggle elapsed timer mode backwards. 1+f>tv  
F12 Toggle five-state stat hack forwards. dZ1/w0<M2  
Ctrl+F12 Toggle five-state stat hack backwards. |V 3AA  
~/AltSelect all units of the same type that are currently selected. (Excludes workers) _wC4n }J  
Ctrl+~/AltSame as above but is used for workers and loaded transports/overlords. `H_.<``>  
Numpad 0 Use the drone float exploit. (Continues as long as button is held) .fQ/a`AsU  
DeleteToggle in-game message log. HH\6gs]u  
PausePause/Resume game. : " ([i"  
Ctrl+F Find and select idle worker. 4! Cu>8B  
Ctrl+R Toggle auto repeat for any game action. (Move, upgrade, etc) % |6t\[gn  
Ctrl+H Command selected units to hold position. AjTkQ)  
InsertToggle three-state maphack forwards. <$f7&6B  
Ctrl +Insert Toggle three-state maphack backwards. ux[h\Tp  
- Lobby (房间) %Fh*$gzh*5  
Page Up / Down Download status spoofer. (Increase / Decrease) Fq]ht*  
Quick Reference of Commands `}b#O}z)^  
- In-Game (游戏中命令) -Y*"!8  
/list Show a list of players in the game with player id and race. 6ty>0  
/xlist Show players who have used zerg mineral hack, nuke anywhere and/or rally point hack. QB<9Be@e  
/kill Kill selected workers. C%s+o0b  
/load Load selected units into transports/overlords. Ca: jN0  
/rally Restore all rally points to default. A!([k}@=j  
/mining Display how much workers you have mining minerals. }gk37_}X\I  
/list 显示当前房间中的玩家ID及其成绩 R{s&6  
/xlist 显示使用Hack的玩家以及他们的出兵点 @ ;%+Ms  
/kill 杀死已被选中的兵 C- Aiv@@<=  
/load 将已被选中的兵放入运输机中(虫族的Overlord) Ekb9=/  
/rally 恢复所有建筑的出兵点 fE1B1j<  
/mining 显示当前被用来采矿的农民数量 r)ni;aP  
- In-Game + Lobby (游戏中命令) }2WscxL  
/mh [num] Set maphack state. (1=off, 2=lite, 3=full) !Zo we*`  
/sh Toggle selection hack on/off. O$Wi=5  
/builda Toggle build anywhere on/off.  {{hp;&x  
/warning Toggle warning messages on/off. a`c#- je  
/apm Toggle on-screen apm counter on/off. s9[?{}gd  
/tclicks Toggle maphack target clicks on/off. :B^YK].  
/frepeat Toggle faster repeat on/off. (Used with Ctrl+R to speed it up) pZE}<EX  
/automine Toggle worker auto mine on/off. CP]nk0  
/unitalertToggle unit alert on/off. (:(Im k;9  
/nukealertToggle nuclear missile alert on/off. c -sc*.&  
/dropalertToggle dropship alert on/off. ?[Sac]h ys  
/autounally Toggle auto unally on/off. 0hN gr'  
/actlog Toggle in-game action logger on/off. .4[\%r\i  
- Channel (BN房间频道中) 7DZZdH$Fm  
/spoof [name] Spoof a custom name. (Supports color) ?3_^SRW&a  
/spoof [num] Spoof a saved name from list. (1 to 5) EXbaijHQG  
/sn [num] Save spoof name to list. (1 to 5) HhZ>/5'(  
/dn [num] Delete spoof name from list. (1 to 5) Z#t}yC%^d  
/ln List saved spoof names. 5v[2R.eT-  
/rn Restore current spoof name to original name. c6Z"6-}$  
/cn Display current spoof name. W|L#Q/RX  
/ar Toggle auto respoof on/off. (Default on) q\G7T{t$.  
/homeJoin home channel. (Set home channel in Oblivion.ini) 3z0 %uY[e  
/uptimeDisplay current system and Oblivion uptime. qK)T#sh  
- Global (通用命令) e3k58  
/r [msg] Reply back to the last person who messaged you. 0D/7X9xg9+  
/wb [msg] Whisper back to the last person that you messaged. :pLaxWus!  
以后找个时间翻译... ! u9LZ  
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