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等级: 新兵
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2009-07-02 0
allow 1    
consolekey 145
botfov 30.000000
norecoil 1.823000      
plglow 0  
plname 1  
plweapon 1
distance 1  
plbox 1  
aimvec 1
wepglow 0  
fullbright 1  
transent 1  
entesp 1  
nosmoke 1  
noflash 1
wall 1
autospec 0
plhbox 0
plhboxwall 1
plhboxwire 1
bot 1
botlock 11
bothbox 0
botbone 0
botteam 1
botfov 30.000000  
botpred 1.000000
botpredme 0.000000
plglowamt 50
plboxsize 150
plboxwidth 20
wepglowamt 10
transentamt 60
plbone 0
plnametercol 255 0 0 0
plnamectcol 153 204 255 0
plboxtercol 255 30 30 150
plboxctcol 30 30 255 150
plhboxtercol 255 0 0 255
plhboxctcol 0 0 255 255
plbonetercol 255 0 0 255
plbonectcol 0 0 255 255
aimvectercol 255 0 0 255
aimvecctcol 0 0 255 255
wepglowcol 20 100 100 0
plglowtercol 255 0 0 0
plglowctcol 0 0 255 0
entespcol 153 255 153 0

[ cdhack ver 4.31.0
[ + something insignificant
[ ? i advise not use it on steam, cause you are risking to be banned. UA have private servers now (like cheaters do :)
[ and they forgot that
[ "When you get disconnected from a server with a violation, the reason for being disconnected is between you and
[ your conscience. The server admin does not know why you disconnected and therefore cannot ban you. We like to
[ think that everyone is welcome to come back and play fair with cheats turned off." still reside on official site :)

[ cdhack ver 4.31.0d
[ - nasty bug fixed

[ cdhack ver 4.31.0c
[ + cs1.5 support

[ cdhack ver 4.31.0b
[ + steam support
[ + little fix

[ Hi there.
[ To activate ingame "console" (i call it so :) press INS... (it is changeable now), you can "load" and "save".

[ Enables and disables cheat. There is panic shortcut key for that - F12 (changeable too)
allow 1

[ Well, if strange activity of server (CDMOD) will be detected, it shows up
warn 1

[ As it says. Ammount of antirecoil, 0 - disable
norecoil 0.000000

[ Glow shell on players
plglow 0

[ Player name ESP
plname 1

[ Player weapon ESP
plweapon 1

[ Distance ESP
distance 1

[ ESP Box
plbox 1

[ Aim vectors
aimvec 1

[ Weapons glow on the ground
wepglow 1

[ I wonder what it does...
fullbright 1

[ Transparent entities
transent 1

[ Entity ESP
entesp 1

[ Easy to figure out
nosmoke 1

[ Too
noflash 1

[ Wallhack
wall 0

[ My favorite option. Enables cheat while spectating, disables on round start.
autospec 1

[ Draws hitboxes
plhbox 1

[ Hitbox is visible through wall
plhboxwall 1

[ Hitboxes is wired or filled
plhboxwire 1

[ Aimbot 1-aim on hitboxws, 2-on bones, 0 - origin, i am really in doubt it is HLG proof :)
bot 1

[ Locks aim on attacked player. If not, aimbot may chose another while firing (though, it is rare)
botlock 1

[ Hitbox number to aim to. 11 - head... dunno others.
bothbox 11

[ Bone number to aim to. 8 - head... dunno others.
botbone 8

[ Aim 1-enemy 2-friend (you dirty teamkiller! :) 0-everybody
botteam 1

[ Angle to search target. It is relative to distance and using optic.
botfov 30.000000

[ scale prediction vector of target... try some, i have not experimented on it.
botpred 0.000000

[ scale your prediction vector. (Who need it?? :) )
botpredme 0.000000

[ esp boxes drawing type 0/1
fill 1

[ Size of player's glow shell
plglowamt 50

[ Size of ESP box
plboxsize 200

[ ESP box width
plboxwidth 80

[ Size of weap's glow shell
wepglowamt 10

[ Transparency ammount 0-ideally
transentamt 60

[ Size of bones ESP
plbone 0

[ Colours RGBA
plnametercol 255 0 0 0 // alpha not used
plnamectcol 153 204 255 0 // alpha not used
plboxtercol 255 30 30 150
plboxctcol 30 30 255 150
plhboxtercol 255 0 0 255
plhboxctcol 0 0 255 255
plbonetercol 255 0 0 255
plbonectcol 0 0 255 255
aimvectercol 255 0 0 255
aimvecctcol 0 0 255 255
wepglowcol 20 100 100 0 // alpha not used
plglowtercol 255 0 0 0 // alpha not used
plglowctcol 0 0 255 0 // alpha not used
entespcol 153 255 153 0 // alpha not used

[ changeable keys. numbers are ascii and others (read further)
allowkey 152
consolekey 148

[ Credits:
[ OGC 9 Team (System and bunny771)
[ Tabris
[ LanceVorgin
[ siodine

[ PS. keys, SDK copy - you know :)

K_TAB            9
K_ENTER            13
K_ESCAPE        27
K_SPACE            32
// normal keys should be passed as lowercased ascii
K_BACKSPACE        127
K_UPARROW        128
K_DOWNARROW        129
K_LEFTARROW        130
K_ALT            132
K_CTRL            133
K_SHIFT            134
K_F1            135
K_F2            136
K_F3            137
K_F4            138
K_F5            139
K_F6            140
K_F7            141
K_F8            142
K_F9            143
K_F10            144
K_F11            145
K_F12            146
K_INS            147
K_DEL            148
K_PGDN            149
K_PGUP            150
K_HOME            151
K_END            152
K_KP_HOME        160
K_KP_PGUP        162
K_KP_5            164
K_KP_END        166
K_KP_PGDN        168
K_KP_ENTER        169
K_KP_INS           170
K_KP_DEL        171
K_KP_SLASH        172
K_KP_MINUS        173
K_KP_PLUS        174
K_CAPSLOCK        175
// joystick buttons
K_JOY1            203
K_JOY2            204
K_JOY3            205
K_JOY4            206
// aux keys are for multi-buttoned joysticks to generate so they can use
// the normal binding process
K_AUX1            207
K_AUX2            208
K_AUX3            209
K_AUX4            210
K_AUX5            211
K_AUX6            212
K_AUX7            213
K_AUX8            214
K_AUX9            215
K_AUX10            216
K_AUX11            217
K_AUX12            218
K_AUX13            219
K_AUX14            220
K_AUX15            221
K_AUX16            222
K_AUX17            223
K_AUX18            224
K_AUX19            225
K_AUX20            226
K_AUX21            227
K_AUX22            228
K_AUX23            229
K_AUX24            230
K_AUX25            231
K_AUX26            232
K_AUX27            233
K_AUX28            234
K_AUX29            235
K_AUX30            236
K_AUX31            237
K_AUX32            238
K_MWHEELUP        240
K_PAUSE            255
// mouse buttons generate virtual keys
K_MOUSE1        241
K_MOUSE2        242
K_MOUSE3        243
K_MOUSE4        244
K_MOUSE5        245



等级: 准尉
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2009-07-03 0
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