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等级: 元老

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2009-11-01 0
[b][size=6][size=3][color=#ff0000]人之初 :At the beginning of life.(英翻中:生命的起初)
性本善 :Sex is good.(白话文:性是美好的)
性相近 :Basically, all the sex are same.(英翻中:基本上,所有的性行為是差不多滴)
习相远 :But it depends on how the way you do it.(英翻中:但还是得依照个人的喜好而为之)
苟不教 :If you do not practice all the time.(英翻中:若你不随时勤炼精进)
性乃迁 :Sex will leave you.(英翻中:性将远离你的生活)
教之道 :The way of learning it..(英翻中:学习性的指道原则)
貴以專 :is very important to make love with only one person..(英翻中:最最重要的法则是做性这档事只能对一个人)
昔孟母 :Once a great mother, Mrs. Meng.(英翻中:曾经有一个伟大的教母:孟母)
擇鄰處 :chose her neighbor to avoid bad sex influence..(英翻中:为孩子選最佳性行为示范的邻居为邻,避免坏的性示范而影响小朋友的身心健康)
子不學 :If you don’t study hard,.(英翻中:再次叮嘱,你若再不刻苦勤学....)
斷機杼 :Your Dick will become useless..(英翻中:你的鸡鸡就從此報廢掉) (機=雞...HaHaHa...)
竇燕山 :Dou, the Famous.(英翻中:宝先生,名人)
有義方 :owned a very effective exciting medicine.(英翻中:他有一帖非常好的药方)
教五子 :All his five son took it.(白话文:生出来的五个男孩全靠这一帖)
名俱揚 :and their sexual ability were well-known..(英翻中:而他五个小孩的性能力,北港有名声,下港有出名)
養不教 :If your children don t know how to do it,.(英翻中:你的小孩若不知道如何做好性行为....)
父之過 :It is all your fault..(英翻中:这所有罪过都是你造成的)
教不嚴 :If they had lots of problems with it,.(英翻中:如果你的小孩做这档是有问题....)
師之惰 :their teachr must be too lazy to tell them details on sex..(英翻中:那他的老师一定教很懶散,沒有教的很徹底)
子不學 :You may refuse to study this.(英翻中:你或许会抗拒学习它....)
非所宜 :but that is a real mistake.(英翻中:你就犯下真正的错误)
幼不學 :If you don t learn it in childhood,.(英翻中:如果不从小学习它....)
老何為 :you will lose your ability when aged.(英翻中:若上了年纪你会喪失所有的性能力)
玉不琢 :If you don t exercise your dick,.(英翻中:若没有持续操你的小弟弟)
不成器 :It won t become hard and strong..(英翻中:它将不会变的坚硬和强壮)
人不學 :If you don t learn sex,.(英翻中:如果你没有学习性行为)
不知義 :You can by no means enjoy its sweetness.(英翻中:你将无法体会享受其中的甜美)[/[/color]size][/size] [/size][/b]
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