专辑名称:The Truth About Love
![Lemar -- It's Not That Easy [抒情蓝调 给你莫名的感伤]](https://px.lanyin.net/image/http://www.mtvpig.com/uploaad/20077338994033.jpg?imgsec=yX3cr1gGMp5HGQjQGNlX0w&imgexp=1742925600)
施展出迷人节奏蓝调,灵魂等音韵的大本营”美国”,捧红多为扬名国际的歌手,然而进入90年代,传承Aretha Franklin、Roberta Flack等绝代动人的灵魂音韵,香醇搭配节奏蓝调、爵士、嘻哈等多类元素调和成的Neo-Soul乐派,在Erykah Badu、India.Arie、D’Angelo、Maxwell带领下,开出一朵朵鲜艳芬芳的灿烂花朵,无不为其诱人歌声、舒缓旋律而动容,这位出产自英国,散发无比骚灵式的魅力男声Lemar,可不输上述清一色来自美国的战将!
虽然有着令人称羡的嗓音,但是Lemar出道之路走来并不顺遂,在歌坛闯荡七年之久,一直都过着有一搭没一搭的演唱生活,既使在各演出场合中有着支持追随的乐迷,更获得唱片公司的欣赏签入旗下筹备专辑,但在公司内部决策上丧失发片机会,让期待许久的粉丝们落空!仍为自己歌唱事业奋斗不已的Lemar,并没有因此而退缩,反而更加利用曝光机会,将自己实力毫无掩饰展露出来,直到2002年幸运在BBC话题节目“The Fame Acdemy”上秀出歌唱拿手绝活,也经由高收视率的强力播送下,Lemar终被主流大厂Sony Music网罗发行个人专辑,处女之作《Dedicated全心全意》,不仅缔造出3首全英Top10单曲”Dance With You”(No.2)、”50/50”(No.5)、”Another Day”(No.9),总销售量更突破60万之多,还荣得全英“最佳都会男歌手Best Urban Artist”之奖项嘉勉,获邀在跨越1998-1999年象征英国黑人音乐最高荣誉之Mobo“最佳艺人”、“最佳专辑”及最佳节奏蓝调女歌手Beverly Knight,巡回演唱会的助唱嘉宾,有幸与心目中的偶像Lionel Richie和George Benson同台对唱,短短两年之内,Lemar缔造出一次又一次令人称许的优异表现!
歌而优则演的Lemar,与罗比威廉斯、埃拉妮斯莫莉塞特、雪瑞儿卡洛等资深巨星门,同台参与继《芝加哥》之后最受瞩目歌舞片《摇摆情事-爵士大师柯尔波特De-Lovely》,接着趁余温尚热之际,Lemar请来纽约DJ/制作金牌好手Ron G(Michael Jackson、Mary J Blige、B2K)全盘掌舵,上一张作品《Time To Grow》展出Lemar不凡的创作才能与动人Soulful金嗓!开场曲”Soulman”,要你注意以灵魂乐为出发点的Lemar,将点缀出70年代Motown时期Funky/Soul之诱人音频,感动至你灵魂深处;融入美式及英式R&B/Soul的顺畅动听之作”I Don’t Mind That”、”Don’t Give It Up”,传递出段落有致的节拍与迷醉嗓音的交相铺陈,极具打入美国市场的实力;很有Craig David早期出道作品之味的”Call Me Daddy”,沉溺在Lemar滑顺感性的演绎之中;首选单曲”If There’s Any Justice”,在管弦乐的润饰谱奏下,Lemar漂亮真假音情绪转折,马上打进全英Top10之林中,再添畅销代表佳作一枚;同名单曲” Time To Grow”,以动人琴韵交替弦乐伴随围绕,后段加入福音式的唱和,有着Brian McKnight式的动人情调;末曲精采重新翻唱红翻全球摇滚市场的复兴80金属新团The Darkness成名作”I Believe In A Thing Called Love”,全曲只以吉他弹奏为基调,搭配Lemar如The Darkness真假音交错的唱法,建议拿原曲做个比较,会感到更为过瘾及有趣!
据说Lemar是哭着唱的这首歌 每听一次 感动一次
It's Not That Easy下载地址:http://www.19807.com/BbBlog/music/0609/3_14991_2095ad36a4dfa5c.mp3
下载速度超过100k/s 已测试! 建议下载后欣赏!
was it me?
was it you?
was it all the little things that i didnt do?
try to move on, but i cant
no i cant imagine being someone else's man
girl i tried, i tried a million times
to get you off my mind
its not that easy no
not that easy
dont you know how hard it is for me
to smile and say goodbye
it's not that easy no
it's not that easy
its not over
not for me
used to have so much faith and i still believe
you're my weakness
youre my strength
and one without the other
just dont make no sense
girl i tried, i tried a million times
to get you off my mind
its not that easy no
not that easy
dont you know how hard it is for me
to smile and say goodbye
it's not that easy no
it's not that easy
its not as easy for me
as it is for you
let me talk about it
its not that easy
what am i meant to do without your love, your love
what am i meant to do without your love
oh what am i meant to do without your love, your love
what am i meant to do without your love
girl i tried, i tried a million times
to get you off my mind
its not that easy no
not that easy
dont you know how hard it is for me
to smile and say goodbye
it's not that easy no
it's not that easy
what am i meant to do without your love, your love
what am i meant to do without your love
what am i meant to do without your love, your love
what am i meant to do without your love
dont you know how hard it is for me
to smile and say goodbye
it's not that easy no
it's not that easy