【抒情慢摇】Jonas Brothers——Sorry

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【抒情慢摇】Jonas Brothers——Sorry



等级: 元老

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2009-01-01 0

Kevin Jonas Joe Jonas Nick Jonas 三兄弟组成的乐队。
Jonas Brothers这支乐队一路走来可谓是挫折不断,但是他们还是坚持了下来,音乐也越来月成熟,是我挺看好的乐队。


Jonas Brothers - Sorry
Broken hearts and last goodbyes
Restless nights and lullabies
Helps make the pain go away
I realize I let you down
Told you I'd be around
Building up the strength just to say
I'm sorry
For breaking all the promises
That I wasn't around to keep
You told me that this time
Iis the last time
That I will ever beg you to stay
But you're already on your way
Filled with sorrow, filled with pain
Knowing that I'm the one to blame
For leaving your heart out in the rain
And I know your going to walk away
Leave me with the price to pay
Before you go I wanted to say
I'm sorry
For breaking all the promises
That I wasn't around to keep
You told me that this time
Iis the last time
That I will ever beg you to stay
But you're already on your way
Can't make it alive on my own
But if you have to go
Then, please, girl
Just leave me alone
'Cause I dont want to see you and me
Go our separate ways
I want you to say
If it isnt too late
I'm sorry
For breaking all the promises
That I wasn't around to keep
You told me that this time
Iis the last time
That I will ever beg you to stay
But you're already on your way
But you're already on your way


等级: 下士
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2009-01-01 0


等级: 上将
配偶: 一念成风

举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2009-01-02 0
好听啊 我去下几首去  
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