nimue's lament 来自爱尔兰的凯尔特音乐  超好听

猴岛论坛影音天地nimue's lament 来自爱尔兰的凯尔特音乐  超好听
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nimue's lament 来自爱尔兰的凯尔特音乐  超好听



等级: 少校

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2009-04-28 0
来自一张经典的凯尔特风的EP《celtic journey》  非常好听空灵的女声


    nimue's lament
Somewhere in the darkest night
Peace will come, as the spirit flies
As you weave a spell, by another me
Snow falls with the summer rain

Then I will come to you my love
With the passing of the days
(Then) I will set you free each time
Your heart is bound in chains
Innocents and wiser men
(Will) somehow be the same
(And) You and I will take our place in time
We'll find a way to fly

Far beyond the crystal sea
I can hear all your whispered dreams
(And) the endless signs of the ones who love
They live on, in the stars above

Then I will come to you my love
With the passing of the days
Then I will set you free each time
Your heart is bound in chains
Innocents and wiser men
Are just one and the same
You and I will take our place in time
(We'll) find a way to fly

I will come to you my love
With the passing of the days
I will set you free each time
Your heart is bound in chains
Innocents and wiser men
Are all who will remain
(And) You and I will take our place in time
(We'll) find a way to fly

没有办法上传歌曲  附个链接吧

[ 此帖被mousika在2009-04-28 20:42重新编辑 ]


等级: 少校
、⒈ 条 蕗 ′赱 菿 潶、 ↘

举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2009-04-28 0


等级: 少校

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2009-04-28 0
来自一张经典的凯尔特风的EP《celtic journey》  非常好听空灵的女声


    nimue's lament
Somewhere in the darkest night
Peace will come, as the spirit flies
As you weave a spell, by another me
Snow falls with the summer rain

Then I will come to you my love
With the passing of the days
(Then) I will set you free each time
Your heart is bound in chains
Innocents and wiser men
(Will) somehow be the same
(And) You and I will take our place in time
We'll find a way to fly

Far beyond the crystal sea
I can hear all your whispered dreams
(And) the endless signs of the ones who love
They live on, in the stars above

Then I will come to you my love
With the passing of the days
Then I will set you free each time
Your heart is bound in chains
Innocents and wiser men
Are just one and the same
You and I will take our place in time
(We'll) find a way to fly

I will come to you my love
With the passing of the days
I will set you free each time
Your heart is bound in chains
Innocents and wiser men
Are all who will remain
(And) You and I will take our place in time
(We'll) find a way to fly

没有办法上传歌曲  附个链接吧

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