《follow my heart 》- ich troje

猴岛论坛影音天地《follow my heart 》- ich troje
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《follow my heart 》- ich troje



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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-01-28 0

i follow my heart
i follow my heart
i follow my heart

espera (wait)╟ i need to talk to you
me cema (it burns me)╟ girl you know it's true
candela (candle)╟ you're the one for me
your love made me a believer !
quisiera (i wanted)╟ another night of love
entera (entirely)╟ i wanna have it all
candela (candle)╟ so come and get your love
ven toma mi gazolina (come, take my gasoline )

pozwol mi dotkac choc rak (please, let me to touch your hands)
zloze w nich prosbe by spotkal sie wzrok (i'll put in them a request to meet our eyesights)
wbije w twe oczy namietnosc i chec (in your eyes i'll stick the passion and desire )
dotre do serca czy chcesz ?(i'll get to your heart, do you want it?)

posluchaj dzis serca w nim milosc sie tli (listen to the heart, love smoulders in it )
wyprosi okrutna samotnosc za drzwi (it will show the door to the cruel loneliness )
niech obydwa zaplona nie zgasi ich nikt (let both of them flare up, no one will extinguish them )
podazaj za sercem, od dzis, jestem w nim (follow your heart, from today, i'm in it )

i follow my heart

i follow my heart

espera (wait)- i need to talk to you
me cema (it burns me)- girl you know it's true
candela (candle)- you're the one for me
your love made me a believer !
quisiera (i wanted)- another night of love
entera (entirely)- i wanna have it all
candela (candle)- so come and get your love
ven toma mi gazolina (come, take my gasoline )

po prostu badz, przytul jak nikt (just be, hold me as no one )
az serca kiedys przestana nam bic (until our hearts stop beating )
to co zostanie to milosc bo wiem (what will be left is love, as i know )
ze smierc nie wie czym milosc jest (that death doesn't know what love is )

a w sercu jak w sercu, w nim milosc sie tli (and in the heart as in the heart, love smoulders in it )
zaufaj mu zawsze, dla ciebie chce bic (always trust it, it wants to beat for you )
a plonie w nim milosc po kres naszych dni (and love is in flames until the end of our days )
bo dzieki niej wiecznie, gdzie ja tam i ty (cause of it, i'm always there where you are )

i follow my heart and one day i'll confide
the way that i fell about you by my side
let me be with you now i know it's right
to follow my heart cause our live is the light
i follow my heart
i follow my heart
i follow my heart
i follow my heart
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举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2010-01-28 0
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