These Kids-----Joel Turner

猴岛论坛影音天地These Kids-----Joel Turner
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These Kids-----Joel Turner



等级: 大元帅

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-02-24 0

These kids trapped in a struggle and
Don't know where they're heading, no
A head full of trouble is all that they're getting
And nobody knows the suffering they go through
And you wouldn't believe 'em if they told you
These kids trapped in a struggle and
Don't know where they're heading, no
A head full of trouble is all they're getting
And nobody knows the suffering they go through
And you wouldn't believe 'em if they told you
So many songs, so many times
The world had to hear so many rhymes
About how life is for strugglers
Minority groups, kids with single mothers
Young homies turn hustlers, stealing for money
It's kinda funny how the crime rate is so high
In suburbs where family ties are low, 'n suicides on the rise
Oh why, so many die coz in their eyes
The mistake they made, cant be erased the only way out is to take their life
And if they dont do it sudden then they'll do it slowly
Polluting themselves with drugs, because they on this world lonely
So we as a nation just class 'em as a waste of space
And if they don't help the economy then strip 'em naked
Put 'em on the streets 'n make sure the police hate 'em
And feed the public phony information on the evening news
Kids may bomb police stations, to get at the boys in blue
This song goes out to the whole justice system
Instead of listening to the kids with the problems
They just tick them off more
Until these kids in prison or dead before they twenty four
These kids trapped in a struggle and
Don't know where they're heading, no
A head full of trouble is all that they're getting
And nobody knows the suffering they go through
And you wouldn't believe 'em if they told you
You probably heard the news about the 14 year old kid
Who went to Woodridge to get a stick but got his neck slit
What you'll expect in, the situation that he was facing
With all of these expectations he just wanted to get wasted
But the mistake he made was fa
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等级: 大元帅

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2010-02-24 0
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