Laura Story__Grace

猴岛论坛影音天地Laura Story__Grace
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Laura Story__Grace



等级: 上尉

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-06-09 0


my heart is so proud.
my mind is so unfocused.
i see the things you do through me
and now you gently break me,
then lovingly you take me and
hold me as my father and mold me as my maker.

i ask you:"how many times will you pick me up,
when i keep on letting you down?
and each time i will fall short of your glory,
how far will forgiveness abound?"
and you answer:"my child, i love you.
and as long as you're seeking my face,
you'll walk in the power of my daily sufficient

at times i may grow weak
and feel a bit discouraged,
knowing that someone,
somewhere could do a better job.
for who am i to serve you?
i know i don't deserve you.
and that's the part that burns in my heart

i ask you:
when i keep on letting you down?
and each time i will fall short of your glory,
how far will forgiveness abound?"
and you answer:"my child, i love you
. and as long as you're seeking my face,
you'll walk in the power

you are so patient with me, lord.
as i work with you, i'm learning
what your grace really means.
the price that i could never pay
was paid at calvary.
so, instead of trying to repay you,
i'm learning to simply obey you
by giving up my life to you for all that
i ask you:

when i keep on letting you down?
and each time i will fall short of your glory,
how far will forgiveness abound?"
and you answer:"my child, i love you.
and as long as you're seeking my face,
you'll walk in the power
of my daily sufficient grace."
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等级: 元老
浮华一梦 南柯终醒 量度虚拟  归于现实

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2010-06-09 0
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