————————————————————baby justin bieber

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————————————————————baby justin bieber



等级: 中将

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-06-28 0

点击在新窗播放Baby -justinbieber
Monkey&star for 单飞 2010.5.13
Ohh wooaah
Ohh wooaah
Ohh wooaah
You know you love me,I know you care
You shout whenever, And I'll be there
You want my love, You want my heart
And we will never ever ever be apart
Are we an item? Girl quit playing
We re just friends, what are you saying
Said theres another one Looks right in my eyes
My first love broke my heart for the first time,
And I was like
Baby, baby, baby nooo
My baby, baby, baby noo
My baby, baby, baby nooo
I thought youd always be mine mine
Baby, baby, baby nooo
My baby, baby, baby noo
My baby, baby, baby nooo
I thought youd always be mine, oh oh
For you, I would have done whatever
Another chance for we, We'll get together
And wanna play it cool, or I'll loosin' you
I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring
And i'm in pieces , baby fix me
And you'll shake me til' you wake me from this bad dream
Im going down, down, dooown
And just can't believe my first love won't be around
Baby, baby, baby nooo
Baby, baby, baby nooo
My baby, baby, baby noo
My baby, baby, baby nooo
I thought youd always be mine
Baby, baby, baby nooo
Baby, baby, baby nooo
My baby, baby, baby noo
My baby, baby, baby nooo
I thought youd always be mine
When i was 13 i had my first love
Here was nobody to compare my baby
And nobody came between us or could ever come above
She had me goin crazy
Oh i was starstruck.
She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks
She made my heart pound
And in the school on the playground
Asking for a beat when i see her in the street
But i really wanna see her on the weekends
She knows she got me dazy
本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +8




等级: 中校
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2010-06-29 0
One Time...有人发过了..


等级: 元老
浮华一梦 南柯终醒 量度虚拟  归于现实

举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2010-06-28 0


等级: 中将

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2010-06-28 0
: 沙 发

: 没 挂
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