- 注册时间 2004-07-09
- 最后登录 2008-01-25
- 发帖1257
- 在线1135小时
- 精华8
- DB29513
- 威望2067
- 保证金0
- 桃子0
- 鲜花0
- 鸡蛋0
- Aimbot :
- Aim Styles (Off, When firing, Full auto)
- Targeting Styles (Closest Target, Closest to crosshair, Highest Threat, Lowest Health)
- SlowAim (Off, On) (+ Configurable slow aim speed)
- AimAngle (Off, On) (+ Configurable autoaim rotation angle)
- AutoFire (Off, On)
- FriendlyFire (Off, On)
- ...
- Radar :
- 3D Radar (Off, On) (+ Configurable for Players, Grenades, Flags)
- 2DRadar (Off, On) (+ Configurable radar scale)
- Cross (Off, Cross, Dot, Box, Bounding Box)
- Info Styles (Distance, Playername, Weaponname, Health, Armour)
- Healthbars (Off, On)
- ...
- TriggerBot :
- TriggerBot (Off, On)
- TriggerStyle (Instanthit, Lead, Lobbed, Hitscan)
- Correction :
- Fps Correction (Off, On)
- Ping Correction (Off, On)
- Bulletspeed Correction (Off, On)
- Protection :
- WallHack :
- WallHack (Off, On)
- WireFrame (Off, On)
- KeyBinder :
- KeyBinds (OnPress, OnRelease)
- HotKey Support
- Profile System :
- Profiles can be saved/loaded
- Extra Weapon-data can be add to config files
- Graphical User Interface (GUI) :
- Configuration Window with tab menus
- Help :
- Help files (Manual, Explenations, Examples)
- Wallhack:
- See models through the walls with or without wireframe
![[5月14日更新]虚幻竞技场 UT2004 多功能作弊器](https://hd.lanyin.net/11884/dvbbs/2007-5/20075141551010119.jpg)
![[5月14日更新]虚幻竞技场 UT2004 多功能作弊器](https://hd.lanyin.net/11884/dvbbs/2007-5/20075141592274670.jpg) 欢迎VIP会员下载使用