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等级: 元老

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2011-03-19 0
A Comfortable Pace (10) - Clear mission 11 in Human                              Mode.通过HUMAN难度第十一关
Easy Does It (10) - Clear all missions in Human Mode.                              HUMAN难度爆机
Filled with Pride (10) - Acquire 10,000 Proud Souls.                                获得10000荣耀之魂(就是钱)
Half Way There (10) - Clear mission 11 in Devil Hunter Mode.                        通过DH难度第十一关
River of Red (10) - Acquire 10,000 Red Orbs.                                      获得10000红魂
Rookie Devil Hunter (10) - Defeat a total of 100 enemies.                            干掉100个敌人
Simply Spectacular (10) - Complete a mission with an S ranking.                    任意管卡取得S评价
Smokin' Sick Style!!! (10) - Complete a Stylish Rank SSS (Smokin' Sick Style!!!) combo. 完成一次3S评价连击
Smokin' Style!! (10) - Complete a Stylish Rank SS (Smokin' Style!!) combo.            完成一次SS评价连击
Smokin'! (10) - Complete a Stylish Rank S (Smokin'!) combo.                        完成一次S评价连击
Done and Done (20) - Clear all missions in Devil Hunter Mode.                      DH难度爆机
The Best of the Rest (20) - Clear all missions in Human Mode with an S ranking.      HUMAN难度全S达成
A Cut Above (30) - Clear all missions in Devil Hunter Mode with an S ranking.          DH难度全S达成
The Ninth Circle (10) - Clear stage 90 of Bloody Palace mode                        血宫90层踏破
The Eight Circle (10) - Clear stage 80 of Bloody Palace mode                        血宫80层踏破
The Seventh Circle (10) - Clear stage 70 of Bloody Palace mode                    血宫70层踏破
The Sixth Circle (10) - Clear stage 60 of Bloody Palace mode                        血宫60层踏破
The Fifth Circle (10) - Clear stage 50 of Bloody Palace mode                        血宫50层踏破
The Fourth Circle (10) - Clear stage 40 of Bloody Palace mode                      血宫40层踏破
The Third Circle (10) - Clear stage 30 of Bloody Palace mode                      血宫30层踏破
The Second Circle (10) - Clear stage 20 of Bloody Palace mode                    血宫20层踏破
The First Circle (10) - Clear stage 10 of Bloody Palace mode                        血宫10层踏破
A Throne of Glory (50) - Clear all game modes                                    全模式通关
Never Say Die (50) - Clear all missions in Dante Must Die mode with an S ranking    DMD难度全S达成
A Stunning Feat (40) - Clear all missions in Son of Sparda mode with an S ranking    SOS难度全S达成
Nothing Left Unsaid (10) - Clear all secret missions                                全隐藏任务过关
Tonight, We Dine in Hell (10) - Clear all missions in Hell and Hell mode              HAH难度爆机
Step into the Light (10) - Clear all missions in Heaven or Hell mode                  HOH难度爆机
All Bow Before You (40) - Clear all missions in Dante Must Die mode                DMD难度爆机
Easier Said Than Done (10) - Clear mission 11 in Dante Must Die mode              通过DMD难度第11关
Hardly a Simple Task (30) - Clear all missions in Son of Sparda mode              SOS难度爆机
Rock and a Hard Place (10) - Clear mission 11 in Son of Sparda mode              通过SOS难度第11关
Covered in Blood (40) - Clear all Bloody Palace mode stages                      血宫爆机
King of the Palace (50) - Clear all Bloody Palace mode stages with an S ranking      血宫S评价爆机
Speak of the Devil (20) - Clear the game with Super Nero (Dante)                  用无限魔人爆机一次
Modus Vivendi (10) - Extend the Vitality Gauge to maximum capacity                血槽升到顶
Bat Out of Hell (10) - Extend the Devil Trigger Gauge to maximum capacity          魔槽升到顶
Your Cup Runeth Over (20) - Aquire 100,000 Red Orbs                            得到100000红魂
Red Orb Millionaire (40) - Aquire 1,000,000 Red Orbs                            得到1000000红魂
Brimming with Pride (20) - Aquire 100,00 Proud Souls                            得到10000荣耀之魂
Proud Millionaire (40) - Aquire 1,000,000 Proud Souls                            得到1000000荣耀之魂
Skilled Devil Hunter (30) - Defeat a total of 1,000 enemies                          干掉1000只敌人
Legendary Devil Hunter (50) - Defeat a total of 10,000 enemies                    干掉10000只敌人
Item Collecter (50) - Aquire a Maximum of all items                              所有道具塞满
Skill Collecter (50) - Nero - Aquire all of Nero's skills                              学完NERO的所有技能
Skill Collecter (50) - Dante - Aquire all of Dante's skills                            学完但丁的所有技能


等级: 中尉

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2011-03-30 0
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