Create your own Jump Shot: Among the many legacies Ronnie left in his NBA Hall of Fame career, he may be most remembered for his ridiculous shooting style. It reminded fans of a cross between Kevin Duckworth's one handed shot release with the unorthodox pigeon toes of Marcus Camby.
创造你自己的投篮姿势: 在Ronnie传奇的生涯中, 他最被记住的就是他那蛋疼的投篮姿势. 球迷们看着他的姿势就像看到了Kevin Duckworth的单手投篮加上Marcus Camby投篮时候的鸽子步.

哈哈 也就是说可以自由组合球员的投篮姿势了! 重现麦迪飘逸的投篮姿势不是梦~~~