PutAttachment ".\plugin","regDll.dll"
PutAttachment "C:\test_game","*.bmp"
PutAttachment "C:\test_game","*.txt"
PutAttachment "C:\test_game","dm.dll"
Call Plugin.RegDll.Reg("C:\test_game\dm.dll")
set aa = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
//指定 全局路径
aa.SetPath "C:\test_game"
Delay 40
hwnd = aa.GetMousePointWindow()
aa_ret = aa.SetWindowState(hwnd, 1)
aa_ret = aa.BindWindow(hwnd, "dx", "dx", "dx", 1)
Delay 200
If aa_ret=0 Then
MessageBox "绑定“失败”"
End If
BeginThread min
Delay 100
//移动游戏窗口到屏幕0,0位置(这里0,0自己可以修改例如-300,0|-200,0|-100,0 随便改都可以)
aa.MoveWindow hwnd, 0, 0
Delay 500
Rem 大准备
aa_ret = aa.FindPic(0,0,1024,768,"打开.bmp","000000",1,1,intX,intY)
If intX >= 0 and intY >= 0 Then
aa.Moveto 495,127
Delay 100
End If
aa_ret = aa.FindPic(0,0,1024,768,"确定.bmp","000000",1,1,intX,intY)
If intX >= 0 and intY >= 0 Then
Delay 200
aa.MoveTo 310,342
Delay 100
aa_ret = aa.FindPic(477,383,590,448,"300.bmp","000000",1,1,intX,intY)
If intX >= 0 and intY >= 0 Then
aa.keyUp 87
aa.KeyDown 68
Delay 2000
aa.keyup 68
End If
aa_ret = aa.FindPic(0,0,1024,768,"准备.bmp|开始游戏.bmp","000000",1,1,intX,intY)
If intX >= 0 and intY >= 0 Then
aa.Moveto 64, 19
Delay 100
Delay 300
Goto 检测1
End If
End If
Goto 大准备
Rem 检测1
aa.KeyDown 87
Delay 100
aa.keypress 69
Delay 100
aa.keypress 32
aa_ret = aa.FindPic(0,0,1024,768,"d.bmp|b.bmp","000000",1,1,intX,intY)
If intX >= 0 and intY >= 0 Then
aa.keypress 82
aa_ret = aa.FindPic(477,383,590,448,"300.bmp","000000",1,1,intX,intY)
If intX >= 0 and intY >= 0 Then
aa.keyUp 87
aa.KeyDown 68
Delay 2000
aa.keyup 68
End If
End If
Goto 大准备
Sub min()
set cc = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
cc.SetPath "C:\test_game"
Delay 40
hwnd = cc.FindWindow("", "忘记时间爱你")
cc_ret = cc.SetWindowState(hwnd, 1)
// display: dx 鼠标:windows后台 键盘:windows后台 模式1
cc_ret = cc.BindWindow(hwnd, "dx", "dx", "dx", 1)
Delay 100
If cc_ret=0 Then
MessageBox "绑定“失败”"
End If
Delay 100
//移动游戏窗口到屏幕0,0位置(这里0,300自己可以修改例如-300,300|-400,200|-100,200 随便改)
cc.MoveWindow hwnd, 0, 300
Delay 500
Rem 小准
cc_ret = cc.FindPic(0,0,1024,768,"打开.bmp","000000",1,1,intX,intY)
If intX >= 0 and intY >= 0 Then
cc.Moveto 495,127
Delay 200
End If
cc_ret = cc.FindPic(484,386,587,437,"300.bmp","000000",1,1,intX,intY)
If intX >= 0 and intY >= 0 Then
cc.KeyUp 87
cc.keyDown 68
Delay 2000
cc.KeyUp 68
End If
Delay 200
cc_ret = cc.FindPic(0,0,1024,768,"确定.bmp","000000",1,1,intX,intY)
If intX >= 0 and intY >= 0 Then
Delay 200
cc.MoveTo 322,342
Delay 200
cc_ret = cc.FindPic(0,0,1024,768,"准备.bmp|开始游戏.bmp","000000",1,1,intX,intY)
If intX >= 0 and intY >= 0 Then
Delay 200
cc.moveto 55, 21
Delay 200
Goto 检测2
End If
End If
Goto 小准
Rem 检测2
cc.KeyDown 87
Delay 100
cc.keypress 69
Delay 100
cc.keypress 32
cc_ret = cc.FindPic(0,0,1024,768,"x.bmp|b.bmp","000000",1,1,intX,intY)
If intX >= 0 and intY >= 0 Then
cc.KeyPress 82
cc_ret = cc.FindPic(484,386,587,437,"300.bmp","000000",1,1,intX,intY)
If intX >= 0 and intY >= 0 Then
cc.KeyUp 87
cc.keyDown 68
Delay 2000
cc.KeyUp 68
End If
End If
Goto 小准
End Sub
Sub OnScriptExit()
aa_ret = aa.UnBindWindow()
End Sub