【每日一曲】12.15号追加推荐歌曲<Nexx Chapter - Delay This Alarm>【带上耳机这个世界与我无关】

猴岛论坛影音天地【每日一曲】12.15号追加推荐歌曲<Nexx Chapter - Delay This Alarm>【带上耳机这个世界与我无关】
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【每日一曲】12.15号追加推荐歌曲<Nexx Chapter - Delay This Alarm>【带上耳机这个世界与我无关】



等级: 大校
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2011-12-14 0


Woke up in my bed, but something is different,
The voices in my head , how come I’m not missing?
Your touch, your kisses, the things you do.
Used to…
I cannot tell you what you wanna hear,

I don’t wanna disable you of emotion,
So it’s time that I cut you lose.
A prison nuts in my..
Cause I don’t wanna be the bearer of that mood.

I don’t wanna go another day letting you for more in love,
Baby how I wish that I could stay,
But I know you’re not the one!
How could I lose it, the feeling is useless,
I just can’t go on!
I can’t delay this alarm anymore!

It’s been a minute now,
I should have fallen, but should it, could it,
Does it really matter it all,
And now all I could think about is the damage
I’m prolonging this, cause while your sparks turn in a fire
Mine’s gone in the wind.
You say you love me then,
I always hesitate monthly anniversaries,
But what’s to celebrate?
I know me leaving might hurt the moment,
But one day you’ll feel a love that’s worthy,
Cause I couldn’t even loan it!

I don’t wanna disable you of emotion,
So it’s time that I cut you lose.
A prison nuts in my..
Cause I don’t wanna be the bearer of that mood.

I don’t wanna go another day letting you for more in love,
Baby how I wish that I could stay,
Find More lyrics at
But I know you’re not the one!
How could I lose it, the feeling is useless,
I just can’t go on!
I can’t delay this alarm anymore!

Cause I already got the best of you,
That’s harsh, I know,
But at least I can admit when it’s time to go!
Don’t wanna give you another moment just to fantasize,
I’ve seen too many people drag it out, too many lives
Baby just let be while we’re still smiling
The memories I hadn’t forgotten, you’ll be… to see.
Damn, control yourself,
Why you think you could put your hands on me?
Screaming, crying, I give you my thank
And I don’t get the benefit of the doubt,
Not to mention I never cheated when we was going out,
See all this is part of why we’ve broken
Ain’t no cast for love,
And repeatedly I’m meant to be like the ugly duck.

Oh, maybe I was wrong to lead you on,
Or maybe I was trying to call…
Either way, girl I know it,
You never had my harm,
Wish I would let you now from the start!

Chorus: (x2)
I don’t wanna go another day letting you for more in love,
Baby how I wish that I could stay,
But I know you’re not the one!
How could I lose it, the feeling is useless,
I just can’t go on!
I can’t delay this alarm anymore!
本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +10
DB+10 2011-12-15




等级: 准尉
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2011-12-15 0
Re:【每日一曲】12.15号追加推荐歌曲<Nexx Chapter - Delay This Alarm>【带上耳机这个世界与我无 ..


等级: 上尉
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2011-12-15 0
Re:【每日一曲】12.15号追加推荐歌曲<Nexx Chapter - Delay This Alarm>【带上耳机这个世界与我无 ..


等级: 上将
  请hold住 【热会1队】

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2011-12-15 0
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