【每日一曲】<JoJo-----Too Little Too Late >【补发2012.1.1号推荐歌曲】

猴岛论坛影音天地【每日一曲】<JoJo-----Too Little Too Late >【补发2012.1.1号推荐歌曲】
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【每日一曲】<JoJo-----Too Little Too Late >【补发2012.1.1号推荐歌曲】



等级: 大校
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-01-04 0
由于视频是中英文字幕的 请见谅只发英文歌词!


Come with me, stay the night
You say the words but boy it don't feel right
What do you expect me to say
(You know it's just too little too late)
You take my hand, and you say you've changed
But boy you know your beggin don't fool me
Because to you it's just a game
(You know it's just too little too late)
So let me on down
Cause time has made me strong
I'm starting to move on
I'm gonna say this now
Your chance has come and gone
And you know
It's just too little too late
A little too wrong
And I can't wait
Boy you know all the right things to say
(You know it's just too little too late)
You say you dream of my face
But you don't like me
You just like the chase
To be real, it doesn't matter anyway
(You know it's just too little too late)
I was young and in love
I gave you everything but it wasn't enough
And now you wanna communicate
(You know it's just too little too late)
Go find someone else
In lettin you go, I'm lovin myself
You gotta problem
But don't come askin me for help
Cause ya know
It's just too little too late
A little too wrong
And I can't wait
Boy you know all the right things to say
(You know it's just too little too late)
You say you dream of my face
But you don't like me
You just like the chase
To be real, it doesn't matter anyway
(You know it's just too little too late)
I can love with all of my heart baby
I know I have so much to give
(I have so much to give)
With a player like you, I don't have a prayer
That's the way to live, yeah oh
It's just too little, too late
It's just too little too late
A little too wrong
And I can't wait
Boy you know all the right things to say
(You know it's just too little too late)
You say you dream of my face
But you don't like me
You just like the chase
To be real, it doesn't matter anyway
(You know it's just too little too late)




本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +7
DB+7 2012-01-04




等级: 元老

举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2012-01-04 0





等级: 贵宾
-           都变了,所以我也变了。

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2012-01-04 0
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