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等级: 上将

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-02-24 0


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DB+15 2012-02-24

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等级: 新兵
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2012-02-24 0
  There are just things that we can''t do without. Those are the things that are truly essential to the things that we do and the things that really matter to us. In fact, some of those things matter so much that life seemingly cannot go on without it. Or maybe there are established processes or events that could not continue because something is missing, one essential element whose presence could make all the difference.There are actually many different types of anchors for boats. The common misconception of those who know little about ships and other water borne vessels is that there are several types of anchors, each with different purposes and meant for different types of craft. The following are some of the different types: Grapnel anchor - Used for small boats anchoring on rocky bottoms Danforth anchor - Known for its holding power because of its broad, sharp flukes that hold onto the seabed. Frequentlyrentiyishu used for oil rigs Mushroom anchor - Mushroom shapes allows it to be easily sunk into the bottom whilerentiyishu also being resistant to being pulled out easily Common anchor - Now only used mostly forrentiyishu small boats, although it is also being replaced by more modern types ofrentiyishu anchors  Navy Anchor - also known as the stockless anchor. It is the one used for large ships and is known as the stockless because it requires no stock, with its flukes pivoting on the shank and digs into the bottom at the same time
Indeed there are many such things, but somehow people have the tendency to sometimes overlook it, or maybe take it for granted. But then again its importance allows it to be valued like the way that it should be. If you would like to cite a proper example, then an anchor would definitely suffice. An anchor is a device that is used to connect avessel to a body of water''s saidrentiyishuvessel from drifting away for whatever reason, be it wind or currents that wash the boat away to the open sea or wherever it might lead to. This makesrentiyishu an anchor such an essential part of boats, ships, and other similar vessels. The people who man such vessels certainly can''t do without an anchor, as it could pretty much mean the hampering of safety of those who are aboard the vessel and of the things that are contained within it.
• Plow Anchor - Also used for small boats, has a single fluke and is designed for righting itself and digging in just as soon as it is pulled in by the ropeThe above are just some of the more common anchors that you will come across depending on the type of boat that you have. House boats are considered smaller boats and as such will have a common anchor or plow anchor






等级: 版主
配偶: 泪玘寒
  ◕。热会二队◕。  ◕。二队队长◕。 

举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2012-02-24 0


等级: 上将

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2012-02-24 0
这个好像有几个一样的 , 版主理解
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