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等级: 中士
举报 只看该作者 60楼  发表于: 2007-08-19 0


等级: 新兵
举报 只看该作者 61楼  发表于: 2007-08-20 0


等级: 列兵
举报 只看该作者 62楼  发表于: 2007-08-20 0
就是 发个通俗易懂的作弊器呀


等级: 新兵
举报 只看该作者 63楼  发表于: 2007-08-20 0


等级: 新兵
举报 只看该作者 64楼  发表于: 2007-08-20 0


等级: 列兵
举报 只看该作者 65楼  发表于: 2007-08-21 0


等级: 列兵
举报 只看该作者 66楼  发表于: 2007-08-21 0


等级: 下士
举报 只看该作者 67楼  发表于: 2007-08-21 0


等级: 列兵
举报 只看该作者 68楼  发表于: 2007-08-21 0


等级: 中尉
举报 只看该作者 69楼  发表于: 2007-08-22 0
希望 新的作弊器 
◎☉. ┼┈─‘-佺丗界兜那庅賍.﹎ニ……‘-峩們還囿椹庅資格説悲傷.﹖


等级: 新兵
举报 只看该作者 70楼  发表于: 2007-08-22 0


等级: 上等兵
举报 只看该作者 71楼  发表于: 2007-08-22 0


等级: 中士
举报 只看该作者 72楼  发表于: 2007-08-22 0
zuo biqi ??zuo ni ma !
jiu zhidao zuobi qi,dou chi shi qu ba!1


等级: 新兵
举报 只看该作者 73楼  发表于: 2007-08-22 0

English translation

Asked that, why my cheating couldn't use
Answer: Should confirm the cheating support edition, generallyhas the explanation in the explanation, careful reading

Asked that, why I do open cheating to enter the game to be ableto withdraw
Answer: Enters the game to regard the screen to establishchooses OpenGL pattern majority of cheating only to support thispattern nearly not to be able to find supports other patternscheating

Asked that, why I do open cheating to be able automatically towithdraw from the server
Answer: In the ordinary circumstances is cheating not stablycauses, but also had is the server is instead cheats server cheatinginstead to cheat, furthermore is individual network which the plug-inunit caused is unstable and the server is unstable

Asked that, any is strongest cheating
Answer: Cheating strong and the weakness, cheating itself holds20% factor, other mainly are the computer disposition (dispositionbetter, cheating use is stronger)
Furthermore is network time delay English PING (PING bottomcheating is stronger)

Asked, how if can't revise is the OpenGL pattern manages?
Answer: The renewal reveals the card actuation, latter was allowed

Question: Why do I press "~" in the game the key not to havethe reflection? This is not the control key?
Answer: Selects the tabletop the CS quick way, the single plane rightkey choice attribute. Adds on this parameter -console behind theinside way
For example I am E:SIERRAHalf-Lifehl.exe -console -gamecstrike

Question: My CS people all are the left hand take the gun, Iam not the left handed person, how trades the gun the right hand?
Answer: Enters plays Play cs > Customize > The Advanced item,changes Left-handed weapon the models option.

Question: Why will I choose the weapon later not to be able to tradeimmediately, but will be must be able to trade according to a mouseleft key?
Answer: Opened csstrikeconfig.cfg 0 to alter to hud_fastswitchhud_fastswitch 1 on OK.

Question: Did not know why an my CS Internet games time decided inthat had not responded, prayed for rescue ~
Answer: Also has such situation, in hits cs in the processmachine to think highly of opens, jumped the floppy disk automaticdetection to enter windows, cs internet game could not have gone inone side, made the floppy disk to reorganize well, the estimate wasthe file fragmentation creates.

Question: Accidentally pressed "-" reduced the screen, how had to beable to return to original state
Answer: First enters C the S game, enters: "GeneralHypothesis" the 2nd line, is entering: "Image" the 3rd line, you cansee to 2 options, enters first, enters you may see to inside: Leftside has 3 to be possible control adjusts the truncation the optionfirst line is adjusts the truncation picture the size, the 2nd lineadjusts the truncation picture brightness, the 3rd line is adjusts thetruncation picture the contrast gradient

Question: Why second time starts half life time can dyingmachine first time not have the question?
Answer: Possibly was first starts half life withdrawal time tooanxiously chirp procedure not yet to move when second moved again halflife time could create illegal perhaps the dying machine phenomenon

Question: Why plays time suddenly jumps out the game pattern?
Answer: Some 2 kind of possibilities,1 are kicked by the manager theserver 2 are because the speed too are slow and the server separationconnection

Question: Why my did CS each time enter time first which the serverhit all to shoot, after then second time went in may. Which serverthen drew back enters to be all good. . . . . I am quite worried. . .
Answer: Because in your system establishment floppy disk management inDMA has not gotten cancels

Question: I must buy that kind of edition half dead not tolive, can have CDKEY to access the net plays CS?
Answer: 98RMB that kind. Illusion of combination half life, doublesmall dish attire

Question: Why will I choose the weapon later not to be able totrade immediately, but will be must be able to trade according to amouse left key?
Answer: Opened csstrikeconfig.cfg 0 to alter to hud_fastswitchhud_fastswitch 1 on OK.

Question: My CS people all are the left hand take the gun, I am notthe left handed person, how trades the gun the right hand?
Answer: Enters plays Play cs > Customize > The Advanced item,changes Left-handed weapon the models option.

Question: Why do I press "~" in the game the key not to have thereflection? This is not the control key?
Answer: Selects the tabletop the CS quick way, the single plane rightkey choice attribute. Adds on this parameter -console behind theinside way
For example I am E:SIERRAHalf-Lifehl.exe -console -gamecstrike

Question: I asked the friend has wanted legal copy CDKEY, howentered the server always to prompt in the server some people to usethis CDKEY?
Answer: Legal copy CDKEY most only can support 5 individualsimultaneously to use (is in a server are most can have 5 to playfamily with same CDKEY)
Appears this kind of phenomenon to explain in this serveralready had five people to use this CDKEY.
Therefore the suggestion will buy the legal copy later to be allowedto tell CDKEY several good friends, but did not want everybody totell, otherwise some times you were unable to play.

Question: How will have the legal copy sequence number later toreplace the original sequence number.
Answer: Method 1: Opens the registration table to changeHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareValveHalf-LifeSettings
The next Key key value, directly altered to the legal copysequence number to be allowed, here please note is inputs the sequencenumber time
Does not need to add "-" the light input numeral then.

Question: Why will install the CS1.0 complete version later not to beable to enter the game?
Answer: The CS movement needs half life support, therefore you mustfirst install half life then to install CS to be able to enter thegame. Commercial version CS is an exception

Question: Installs CS not to be able the networking?
Answer: Possibly is your CS and the HL edition and the server does notmatch, now mostly the server HL edition all is
The CS edition is 1.0. If you do not have to arrive thecorrelation downloading column downloading related patch.
Also has is possible you to use is D version CS, but you go the serveris needs legal copy CD-KEY the server, such speech
You use CD-KEY which explains the version or the CD-KEYproduction produces to be unable to enter this server.

Question: Why do I die am that quick? But other people cannot?
Answer: This needs you to pass through the diligently practice, CS isfastidious very much technical and the tactical FPS game.
For instance said the master may through burst easily hits yourforehead (to hit the forehead in CS to meet a gun to be killedviolently hits the arm or the leg,
Actually the decrement life) but you actually hold down thebullet not to put (gun to have  cause your bullet to hit donot permit opposite party), like this can appear
Your two simultaneously opened fire you to drop down butopposite party actually only to reduce the few lives value. Thereforesaid must frequently practice oh.

Question: The gun can shoot through the wall?
Answer: In the CS partial guns have the penetrating power. If AK M4AWP, the shrapnel gun also has hawk of pistol the desert.

Question: Why saw some people can jump to some boxes on, but Iaccording to jump (blank space) actually not to be able to jump?
Answer: Inside CS will have an important function is jumps later topress again squats down (Ctrl) to be able to jump to some light willnot be able to jump according to the blank space the place.

Question: Why my blind others' score?
Answer: To plays under the /cstrike/directory table of contents, andopens the config.cfg document with the text editor,
Searches cl_hidefrags " 1" Then 1 changes 0.

Question: Why my can here have makes a mistake the information?
Answer: The common following several kinds make a mistake theinformation in CS:
1st, could not load libraryC:SIERRAHALF-LIFE/cstrike/cl_dlls/client.dll
This meant you in have not installed in front of CS topromote your HL to the newest edition, please download the newestcomplete version promotion.
2nd, your map [ /maps/mapname.bsp ] differs from the server' S
This indicated you this closed the map already were not theoriginal map, (possibly was you downloads new map to cover it) you tobe allowed  CS or looks a friend to return the original map copyin your CS game map folder.
3rd, server is enforcing fille consistancy forsprites/nameofsprite.spr
The document damage perhaps you have installed the new pattern, but the server does not support. Please pointed out documentdeletion then.
4th, Could not get IPX socket name, IPX disabled Reason:WSAENOTSOCK
Expressed you have not installed the IPX agreement or youhave closed the IPX agreement, please installs the IPX agreement inthe Windows network agreement.

Question: How can rescue the hostage?
Answer: Approaches the hostage side, presses the movement key to bepossible to let the hostage with as you like, then leads the hostageafter to rescue the region namely to rescue the hostage.

Question: How can demolish the bomb?
Answer: In walks (approximately an arm is away from) to the bombnearby, holds down facing the bomb uses the key, when under the screenappears a gradually  progress strip holds down uses the key notto put, when the progress strip walks namely demolishes the bomb. Ifthe progress strip has not walked delivers uses the key, namelystarts to demolish from the beginning. After the purchase opens theball tool to demolish the speed to increase quickly.

Question: How lays aside the bomb?
Answer: The body back bomb terrorist walks after the placement bombplace, uses 5 weapons (namely the C4 bomb), in places in the placescope to hold down uses the key not to put, namely appears theprogress strip, when progress strip Man Houji places the bomb to besuccessful.

Question: The game prompts my edition not to be right, how should Ipromote my CS?
Answer: Please enter the table of contents which you plays certainlynot to bring any parameter movement to be possible the execution file(usually to be HL.EXE or CSTRIKE.EXE), if enters is Hlaf Life thatplease downloads HL1106 completely to promote the edition as well asCS1.1 completely promotes the edition (Windows). If after startsenters is CS that only needs to download the CS1.1 commercial editionpromotion.
The server user uses the HLSERVER edition please to promote HL4106completely to promote the edition (WIN32) or HL4106 completelypromotes the edition (*inux), at the same time the Linux edition hasBUG on the de_inferno map, please download CS1.1 the linux editionrevision patch.

Question: When when game according to 1, 2, 3 and so on key, mustagain press the gun which the mouse can cut me to want, how does thedirect  key obtain my gun?
Answer: In cstrike table of contents config.cfg hud_fastswitch "0" The revision parameter is 1.

Question: How looked my game runs is much quick? How looked how manyhis FPS is?
Answer: In the control bench inputs netgraph 3 in the game to beallowed to see your immediate FPS, meanwhile may see the networkconnection condition.

Question: My hardware is very good, runs other games all to be allowedto run more than 100 FPS, why throughout highest only has 72 in CS?
Answer: Revises fps_max " in cstrike table of contents config.cfg;72.0" The parameter to is higher.

Question: Why do the others demolish the bomb the speed very to bequickly more than me?
Answer: You may purchase open the ball tool to enhance open the ballspeed.

Question: Why do I enter the server always to prompt your cd key iscurrently in use please try again later?
Answer: CDKEY usually only can have a person to use, if your CDKEYwere known by other people, and he this time also (any HL server) incarries on the game in the server the speech, then you are unablethrough WON to carry on confirm the CDKEY procedure, therefore pleasepreserve your CDKEY.

Question: At connection time demonstrated 4 times of connections doesnot arrive the server, then the game withdrew.
Answer: The network question, please use the quicker networkconnection way or the replacement connects a quicker server.

Question: Why my always PING not to server.
Answer: Please note whether the firewall will play port shutting downwhich will need.

Question: In accesses the net before the game I to want to practice,asked whether CS does have the single plane edition?
Answer: Standard


等级: 列兵
举报 只看该作者 74楼  发表于: 2007-08-22 0


等级: 列兵
举报 只看该作者 75楼  发表于: 2007-08-22 0


等级: 新兵
举报 只看该作者 76楼  发表于: 2007-08-23 0


等级: 中士
举报 只看该作者 77楼  发表于: 2007-08-23 0


等级: 列兵
举报 只看该作者 78楼  发表于: 2007-08-23 0


等级: 大校

举报 只看该作者 79楼  发表于: 2007-08-23 0

­*( ①個亼嘚玍活……~
| ╱·'皇子.藽滗ノ.。 !
­—————————— ­ 
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