Carly Rae Jepsen (卡莉-杰帕森) 《Call Me Maybe》

猴岛论坛影音天地Carly Rae Jepsen (卡莉-杰帕森) 《Call Me Maybe》
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Carly Rae Jepsen (卡莉-杰帕森) 《Call Me Maybe》



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Carly Rae Jepsen (卡莉-杰帕森) 《Call Me Maybe》
[table=100%,#dbeef3,#4bacc6,3][tr][td] [color=#4bacc6]《Call me maybe》 Carly Rae Jepsen 。

  I threw a wish in the well,
  Don't ask me, I'll never tell
  I looked to you as it fell,
  and now you're in my way

  I trade my soul for a wish,
  pennies and dimes for a kiss
  I wasn't looking for this,
  but now you're in my way

  Your stare was holdin', Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
  Hot not, wind was blowin'
  Where you think you're going, baby ?


  Hey, I just met you,
  and this is crazy,
  but here's my number,
  so call me, maybe ?

  It's hard to look right,
  at you baaaabeh,
  but here's my number,
  so call me, maybe ?

  Hey, I just met you,
  and this is crazy,
  but here's my number,
  so call me, maybe ?

  And all the other boys,
  try to chaaase me,
  but here's my number,
  so call me, maybe?

  [Verse 2]

  You took your time with the call,
  I took no time with the fall
  You gave me nothing at all,
  but still, you're in my way

  I beg, and borrow and steal
  Have foresight and it's real
  I didn't know I would feel it,
  but it's in my way

  Your stare was holdin', Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
  Hot not, wind was blowin'
  Where you think you're going, baby ?

  Hey, I just met you,
  and this is crazy,
  but here's my number,
  so call me, maybe ?

  It's hard to look right,
  at you baaaabeh,
  but here's my number,
  so call me, maybe ?

  Hey, I just met you,
  and this is crazy,
  but here's my number,
  so call me, maybe ?

  And all the other boys,
  try to chaaase me,
  but here's my number,
  so call me, maybe ?

  Before you came into my life
  I missed you so bad
  I missed you so bad
  I missed you so, so bad

  Before you came into my life
  I missed you so bad
  And you should know that
  I missed you so, so bad

  It's hard to look right,
  at you baaaabeh,
  but here's my number,
  so call me, maybe ?

  Hey, I just met you,
  and this is crazy,
  but here's my number,
  so call me, maybe ?

  And all the other boys,
  try to chaaase me,
  but here's my number,
  so call me, maybe ?

  Before you came into my life
  I missed you so bad
  I missed you so bad
  I missed you so so bad

  Before you came into my life
  I missed you so bad
  And you should know that

  So call me, maybe ?

[color=#4bacc6]《Call Me Maybe》属于Carly一贯的风格,声线略带鼻音,甜而不腻,旋律朗朗上口,编曲完全是北美大陆音乐的复古式俏皮的调子,听着听着就会跟着反复吟唱。而歌词讲述一个女子暗恋一个男子,想表白却又羞于启齿的怀春故事。

  Carly是乐坛新人,但创造的佳绩可是老鸟都难以拿下的。目前,《Call Me Maybe》已拿下澳大利亚、捷克、丹麦、芬兰、匈牙利、爱尔兰、新西兰、瑞典、加拿大、英国还有美国、等等地方的单曲榜冠军。而上周,Carly成了继 Lady Gaga、钱婆、等等之后,又一个首次在公告牌单曲榜打榜就拿下冠军的歌手。
  当然,《Call Me Maybe》(联系我吧)、这首神曲不单传唱度非常了得,就连很多专业媒体都竖起了大拇指。“Rolling Stone”描述这首歌曲的调调绝对是洗脑的神作:“你能想象清新的泰勒-斯威夫特遇到了坏坏的Robyn(罗宾)吗?这首歌就是,民谣小调加上流行舞曲和迪斯高的味道。”;MTV的评论员则表示:“我实在无法告诉你,这首歌曲在我的iTunes里头重复了多少次,但你只要一按播放键绝对就停不下来了。”[/color]

本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +27
DB+27 2012-11-22

ゎ. 最好的感觉是有人懂你的欲言又止  ๑



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举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2012-11-22 0
ゎ. 最好的感觉是有人懂你的欲言又止  ๑
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