近几年凭借百变和青春甜美外形,吸引全球歌迷追捧的美国人气小天后、Katy Perry(凯蒂-佩里、水果姐)。在年初失意格莱美大奖后、在与老公Russell-Brand(塞尔-布兰德)离婚后,一切的都回到了广大歌迷熟悉的音乐上,发行新歌的时间加快了。
因此,在美国时间3月21日就提前曝光了最新单曲《Part Of Me 做自己》的完整版MV。在整首歌以舞曲的曲风的调子下,Katy Perry 在MV里一改昔日的甜美性感形象,饰演一位因受情伤,愤而剪断长发,束胸入伍化身美国大兵的率性女子。不得不说,这支MV的场景着实让我们为之震撼,其中不乏实弹射击、摔跤、抢滩登陆等等魔鬼式的训练镜头。身穿军装的Katy Parry 经历种种严苛的军事训练,最后终于走出人生低谷,迎来心灵的重生。
其实,《Part Of Me 做自己》作为 Katy Perry 离婚后的首张全新单曲,外界纷纷推测这首歌是她对前夫拉塞尔-布兰德的离婚宣言,但是 Katy Perry 坚称这与前夫没有任何关系,因为这首新歌是在两年前创作完成的。当然,不管谁是谁非,这支新曲的MV确实充满了话题性和新闻性。
《Part Of Me》 Katy Perry 。
Days like this I want to drive away.
Pack my bags and watch you shout offence.
Cus you chewed me up and spit me out, like I was poison in your mouth.
You took my light, you drink me down, but that was then and this is now.
Now look at me.
This is the part of me that you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no
These sticks and stones fill your body and boots,
But you’re not gonna break my soul.
This is the part of me that you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no.
I just wanna throw my phone away.
Find out who is really there for me.
Cus you ripped me off, your love was cheap,
It’s always tearing at the seams,
I fell deep and you let me drown,
Baby, that was then and this is now.
Now look at me.
This is the part of me that you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no
These sticks and stones fill your body and boots,
But you’re lyricsmusicvideo.blogspot.com not gonna break my soul.
This is the part of me that you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no.
And look at me, I’m sparkling.
A firework, a dancing flame.
You won’t ever put me out again.
I’m going ohohoh.
You can’t keep them down from me.
I’ve never liked them anyway.
In fact you can’t put out the flame
Yeah, yeah.
Except for me.
This is the part of me that you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no
These sticks and stones fill your body and boots,
But you’re not gonna break my soul.
This is the part of me that you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no.
These sticks and stones fill your body and boots,
But you’re not gonna break my soul.
This is the part of me that you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no.
不管怎样,Katy Perry 这首最新单曲《Part Of Me》一上市,就空降“Billboard”排行榜冠军了,歌迷喜欢的、充满音乐灵气的、Katy Perry 带着一股英气回来了。从温柔淑女到穿上一身中性的迷彩服,这一切源于感情的伤痛;纵然是短发,我们的水果姐依然美得惊艳,而这种美中更多了一种骨子里坚强的气质。
记得《Last Friday Night》,Katy Perry 还是一个做着糖果梦的《California Gurl》。而今天,或许 Katy Perry 已能够笑看人情《Hot N Cold》,重拾起的《Teenage Dream》了。Katy Perry 可知道吗?让我们歌迷百分迷惑的,一个曾经拥吻的《E.T.》不一定是王子、也可能是外星人的外公、顶光环的不一定是天使、也可能是恶魔路西法、阳光灿烂的美国大妞,时至今日、感觉也应该放手吧,让错的人离开,期待对的人进来。或许,Katy Perry 应该感谢《The One That Got Away》,正是那个的伤害才让我们的水果姐蜕变得如此完美。此刻,Katy Perry 自由了,请尽情绽放心中的《Firework》,在战火的洗礼中寻找真正的《Part of Me》。。。
This is the part of me that you’re never gonna ever take away from me !
