Upgrading Confluence on Linux
1. Download the appropriate Confluence 'Linux 64-bit / 32-bit Installer' (.bin) file that suits your operating system (for the new version of Confluence) from the Confluence Download Center.
2. Open a Linux console and change directory (cd) to the '.bin' file's directory.
If the '.bin' file is not executable after downloading it, make it executable, for example:
chmod a+x atlassian-confluence-X.Y.bin
(where X.Y represents your version of Confluence)
3. Execute the '.bin' file to start the upgrade wizard.
4. When prompted to choose between creating a new Confluence installation or upgrading an existing installation, choose the 'Upgrade an existing Confluence installation' option.
5. Specify the Confluence Installation Directory of your Confluence installation to be upgraded.
The upgrade wizard will attempt to find an existing Confluence installation and will provide its location as a choice. However, always verify this location, particularly if you have multiple Confluence installations running on the same machine.
6. During subsequent steps of the upgrade wizard, you will be prompted to specify or do the following options:
a. Choose the option to back up Confluence's directories. This creates 'zip' archive file backups of your existing Confluence Installation and Confluence Home directories in their respective parent directory locations.
Please Note:
· Choosing this option is strongly recommended!
· At this point, the upgrade wizard notes any customisations in your existing Confluence Installation Directory which it cannot automatically migrate to your upgraded Confluence installation. If you are notified of any files containing such customisations, please make a note of the locations of these files as you will need to manually migrate their customisations (which are not mentioned in the overview above) to your upgraded Confluence installation. One relatively common customisation that the upgrade wizard cannot automatically migrate is an SSL configuration defined in the conf/server.xml file of the Confluence Installation Directory. Please Note: when upgrading from the version that was not installed by the installer the customisations can only be detected in the confluence subdirectory of your existing Confluence Installation Directory. Modifications to files in directories other than confluence will not be detected when you upgrade, for example, modifications to conf/server.xml. However the next time you upgrade (e.g. to version 4.1.1) the upgrade feature will cover modifications across the whole Confluence Installation Directory.
b. At the 'Upgrade Check List' step, back up your external database and check that any non-bundled plugins will be compatible with your upgraded Confluence version. You may have already conducted the latter (in step 5 of the Before You Start section above).
c. Upon proceeding, your existing Confluence installation will be shut down if it is still running. The upgrade wizard will then:
i. Back up your existing Confluence installation.
ii. Delete the contents of the existing Confluence installation directory.
iii. Install the new version of Confluence to the existing Confluence installation directory.
iv. Starts your new (upgraded) Confluence installation.
If you noted any files that contain customisations which must be migrated manually to your upgraded Confluence installation (above), then:
1. Stop the upgraded Confluence installation.
2. Migrate the customisations from these files into the upgraded Confluence Installation Directory.
3. Restart the upgraded Confluence installation.
7. The last step of the upgrade wizard provides you with a link to launch the upgraded Confluence installation in a browser, so you can check the upgrade.
Congratulations, you have completed upgrading your Confluence installation on Linux!