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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-12-17 0

  当大家都在讨论 Britney Spears、Lady Gaga、Rihanna、Katy Perry 是如何一步步成为“夜场女王”的时候,很多人忘记了“拉丁天后”Jennifer-Lopez(詹尼佛-洛佩兹)、J-Lo,她才是将流行歌曲带入舞厅的最初人选。她的Remix舞曲一直都是DJ最热衷播放的CD之一。进入2011年,J-Lo携着新专辑《Love?》重新回归她最擅长的领域,第一波《On The Floor》无疑是这一年里成绩最好的舞曲之一。
  不过,专辑中另外一首歌《Papi》似乎更适合夜场的氛围,看看这首舞曲的煽动性歌词吧:“Move Your Body,Dance for Your Papi ……”简直就是为夜场量身打造的。
  而在副歌部分,J-Lo 更是直接向听众发出邀请,请跟随音乐摇动身体吧、为了心中的他勇敢地举起自己的双手吧。这样直白的请求,相信谁都无法拒绝。而擅长西班牙语的拉丁天后更是在歌曲中大秀自己的语言天赋,将西班牙语的词句与歌曲氛围很好的结合在一起,让这首热闹的舞曲在专辑中更富异域风情的色彩。

《Papi》 Jennifer Lopez 。
  Let all the heat pour down
  I'm good as long as he's around
  He let's me wear the crown
  I do my best to make him proud
  Now all my super ladies
  I got my baby, If you got your baby, baby
  Move your body, Move your body
  Dance for your papi
  Rock your body, Rock your body,
  Dance for your papi
  Put your hands up in the air, dance for your man if you care
  Put your hands up in the air, air, air, ohohohohoh
  Move your body, Move your body
  Dance for your papi
  Rock your body, Rock your body,
  Dance for your papi
  My rock is shinin' bright
  Even if he ain't by my side
  He makes sure that I glow
  I make sure everybody knows
  Now all my super ladies
  I got my baby, If you got your baby, baby
  Move your body, Move your body
  Dance for your papi
  Rock your body, Rock your body,
  Dance for your papi
  Put your hands up in the air, dance for your man if you care
  Put your hands up in the air, air, air, ohohohohoh
  Move your body, Move your body
  Dance for your papi
  Rock your body, Rock your body,
  Dance for your papi
  Put your hands up in the air, dance for your man if you care
  Put your hands up in the air, air, air, ohohohohoh
  Step up, step up
  Let your hair down
  Pop, drop, and lock
  It go all out
  If he rocks
  Tear up the crowd
  Dance for your papi
  Llegale, llegale
  Sueltate el pelo
  Levantate, cai, aseguralo
  Ve por todas
  Si el es lo maximo
  Asota baldosa
  Baila para tu papi
  Now all my super ladies
  I got my baby, If you got your baby, baby
  Move your body, Move your body
  Dance for your papi
  Rock your body, Rock your body,
  Dance for your papi
  Put your hands up in the air, dance for your man if you care
  Put your hands up in the air, air, air, ohohohohoh
  Move your body, Move your body
  Dance for your papi
  Rock your body, Rock your body,
  Dance for your papi
  Put your hands up in the air, dance for your man if you care
  Put your hands up in the air, air, air, ohohohohoh


本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +20
DB+20 2012-12-17




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举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2012-12-17 0


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举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2012-12-17 0
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