DuranDuran《Girl Panic》MV

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DuranDuran《Girl Panic》MV



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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-12-20 0
DuranDuran《Girl Panic》MV
 影响全球摇滚乐坛将近三十年的英国老牌摇滚乐队、Duran Duran,就在2011年圣诞节来临之际,给摇滚乐迷带来了一份惊喜的圣诞节礼物,他们野性十足的全新单曲《Girl Panic!》的MV在11月28日隆重上线了。
  更为惊喜的是,这首全新单曲的MV邀来五位世界顶尖超级名模助阵。黑珍珠Naomi Campbell(坎贝尔)、Helena Christensen(海莲娜-克莉丝汀森)、Eva Herzigova(赫兹高娃)、Cindy Crawford(辛迪-克劳馥)、Yasmin Le Bon(雅斯门)等等,自然也用上了大批化妆师和造型师。在MV中化身摇滚乐手,过着日夜颠倒、恣意妄为的颓废生活。MV画面质感十足,非常有时尚大片范儿,Supermodel们的强大气场也一览无遗,充分展示了歌名《Girl Panic!》的特征。在宫斗戏如此盛行的今天,不妨看看超模们在镜头前的又一次较量而有新鲜感。
  当然,结合最新时尚装扮,让歌迷不单享受流淌着典型的DuranDuran式摇滚乐曲的同时也感受到整支MV看起来完全不输其他时尚大片的由五位世界Supermodel主演的顶级 fashion show 短片。
《Girl Panic!》 DURAN DURAN 。
  I came by invitation to General Chelsey Mayhem
  and going on to somewhere
  Yes I was going somewhere
  A Single Radom meeting with your eyes
  and now I am beaten.
  And now I'm going nowhere, I know I'm going nowhere
  With the voices in my head
  The clever words I never said
  Of all the things to happen
  In a girl Panic
  This traffic make it through my mind
  It's a crush panic she's got me atomized
  You beg me to get closer
  Dress falling off your shoulder
  The heat is wrapping 'round us
  This city's strapped around us
  Cause now I sense your mission
  is my coming demolition
  And you just hold me under
  I know I'm going under
  With the voices in my head
  The clever words I never said
  And you just let it happen
  In a girl Panic
  This traffic make it through my mind
  It's a crush panic, she's got me atomized
  In a girl Panic, the Midnight traffic in her eyes
  Like a hypnotic, and I am mesmerized.
  You know you know I want you
  I know you know I want you
  With the voices in my head
  The clever words I never said
  And you just let it happen
  In a girl Panic
  This traffic make it through my mind
  It's a crush panic, she's got me atomized
  In a girl Panic
  The Midnight traffic in her eyes
  Like a hypnotic, and I am mesmerized.
  In a girl Panic
  It's a crush panic
  She's a hypnotic,
  It's a Girl Panic


本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +25
DB+25 2012-12-20




等级: 元老

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2012-12-20 0
本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +1
DB+1 2012-12-20


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