Close Your Eyes-- Michael Buble

猴岛论坛影音天地Close Your Eyes-- Michael Buble
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Close Your Eyes-- Michael Buble



等级: 中将
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2013-07-09 0
Michael Buble最新单曲Close Your Eyes,献给他的妻子
Michael Buble深情地演唱,温馨感人

Close your eyes,
Let me tell you all the reasons why
I think you're one of a kind.
Here's to you,
The one that always pulls us through
Always do what you gotta do
You're one of a kind, thank god you're mine.
You're an angel dressed in armour.
You're the fear in every fight.
You're my life and my safe harbour,
Where the sun sets every night.
And if my love is blind,
I don't wanna see the light.
It's your beauty that betrays you
Your smile gives you away
Cause you're made of strength and mercy
And my soul is yours to save
I know this much is true,
When my world was dark and blue
I know the only one who rescued me was you
Close your eyes,
Let me tell you all the reasons why
You're never gonna have to cry
Because you're one of a kind.
Yeah, here's to you,
The one that always pulls us through
You always do what you gotta do, baby
Because you're one of a kind.
When your love pours down on me
I know I'm finally free
So I tell you gratefully,
Every single beat in my heart
Is yours to keep.
Close your eyes,
Let me tell you all the reasons why, baby
You're never gonna have to cry, baby
Because you're one of a kind.
Yeah, here's to you,
You're the one that always pulls us through
You always do what you gotta do, baby
Because you're one of a kind.
You're the reason why I'm breathing
With a little look my way
You're the reason that I'm feeling
It's finally safe to stay.

本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +15
DB+15 2013-07-09




等级: 元老

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2013-07-09 0
不错 撸过听一下






等级: 元老
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2013-07-09 0
以前听过  不错的一首歌
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