青之驱魔师 插曲 call me later

猴岛论坛动漫剧场青之驱魔师 插曲 call me later
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青之驱魔师 插曲 call me later



等级: 新兵
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-09-04 0

Call me later
LRC by angnessnow

In the middle of night
I was far from the fight
They freely pass me by
Then I'm totally out of space and seeking my friends
Is there anyone who needs me?
I hear what you say
there's the tiniest hope
You can change yourself
If you want to
Then you find the door
We can talk from the past
(I was) a frog in a well
Smile like you've never done
I'm so fine
Then you hold me tight under bad whether
If you understand why
I was crying on the river so
Dwell on my self
All the time

And you follow the light
I was far from the fight
They freely pass me by
Then I'm totally out of space and seeking my friends
Is there anyone who needs me?
I hear what you say
there's the tiniest hope
You can change yourself
If you want to
Then you find the door
We can talk from the past
I was a frog in a well
Smile like you've never done
I'm so fine
Then you hold me tight under bad whether
If you understand why
(I was) crying on the river so
Dwell on my self
All the time
本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +5


等级: 列兵
举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2012-11-04 0
哈哈~~那段时间看这个的动画,听到这个歌,好萌好萌的呐~~ 可惜手机声音太小,做不了铃声。呜呜
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