Back in mankind beggining, when empires and civilizations started to appear, these flying islands began to be thought as the Gods Home.
The Gods Home is where Gods sent humans to Earth, so they could overrule them from above. Once you die, if you have been a good man/woman, you go there, to Heaven, and you will live forever in its beautiful hills and forests.
Once humans started to travel, they realised these islands were low satellites which surround Earth like a satellite. Then the first inventors started to think about the way to go up there.
Then, back in 1900, zeppelins and planes were made for the first time, and once they were developed, they could arrive at these islands.
They soon thought about making a centre, so travel could be cheaper and faster, as well as more safe. This soon became a bussiness centre in the year 1925, and skyscrapers began to appear. Meridian Point then came to be the bussiness centre of the world.