Dream On

猴岛论坛影音天地Dream On
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Dream On



等级: 元老

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2015-07-16 0


Dream On-Aerosmith 持续的梦幻(空中铁匠)
Everytime that I look in the mirror.每次我照着镜子
All these lines on my face gettin' clearer.脸上的皱纹越来越清晰
The past is gone.过去的已逝去
It went by like dusk 2 dawn.就象早与晚的流逝
Isn't that the way ? 难道这就是生活?
Everybody's got their dues in life 2 pay.每个人都必须支付生命的费用

I know what nobody knows.我知道无人知晓
Where it comes & where it goes.生活将何去何从
I know it's everybody's sin.我知道它是每个人的罪恶
U got 2 lose 2 know how 2 win.你不知道应该如何去赢得生活

Half my life is in books' written pages.我的前半生已写在纸上
Live & learn from fools & from sages.活着就是向傻瓜或圣贤学习
U know it's true.你知道这是真的。
All the things U do,come back 2 U.一切都会回到你的身边。
Sing with me,sing 4 the year.同我一起唱,为岁月而歌!
Sing 4 the laugh & sing 4 the tear.为笑声和眼泪而唱!
Sing with me,if it's just 4 today.和我一起唱,如果只是为了今天
Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take U away.也许明天上帝就会把你带走

Sing with me,sing 4 the year.同我一起唱,为岁月而歌!
Sing 4 the laugh & sing 4 the tear.为笑声和眼泪而唱!
Sing with me,if it's just 4 today.和我一起唱,如果只是为了今天
Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take U away.也许明天上帝就会把你带走

Dream On,Dream On,Dream On ! 继续做着梦!
Dream until Urself dream come true.直到你自己梦想成真

Dream On,Dream On,Dream On ! 继续做梦!
Dream until Ur dream comes true.直到自己的梦想成真

Dream On,Dream On,Dream On ! 继续做梦!
Dream On,Dream On,Dream On ! 继续做梦!

Sing with me,sing 4 the year.同我一起唱,为岁月而歌!
Sing 4 the laugh & sing 4 the tear.为笑声和眼泪而唱!
Sing with me,if it's just 4 today.和我一起唱,如果只是为了今天
Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take U away.也许明天上帝就会把你带走
Sing with me,sing 4 the year.同我一起唱,为岁月而歌!
Sing 4 the laugh & sing 4 the tear.为笑声和眼泪而唱!
Sing with me,if it's just 4 today.和我一起唱,如果只是为了今天
Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take U away.也许明天上帝就会把你带走


本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +20
DB+20 2015-07-16




等级: 元老
配偶: 事事女
Shape Of My Heart

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2015-07-16 0
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