进入2011年,Westlife(西城男孩)要解散的消息就再次开始不绝于耳,全球的歌迷倍感无奈。到了10月20日,曲终人散的消息也终于由传闻变为无奈的现实, Westlife官方宣布红极14年的Westlife(西城男孩)组合正式解散。
而早在2004年,Westlife的顶梁柱Brian McFadden就曾因成家生子,宣布退出。这一事件造成的解散危机持续影响了Westlife数年,尽管官方多次发表声明,表示不会因此解散,并将一如既往地发行唱片和进行巡演,但四名成员也都出落成“男人”,无论自组家事还是另谋他路,Westlife的解散在所难免。
所以,Westlife(西城男孩)的最后一张新专辑《Greatest Hits》在2011年11月隆重的全球上线发行了。前几天拿到这张告别专辑后,虽然是新歌加精选,但是作为一个Westlife的超级Fans,依然激动无比。。。这张新专辑里面有四首全新创作的、充满Westlife特色的情歌,当然,会陆续发帖上来与大家一同分享的。。。
早在10月中旬,新专辑的第一波单曲《Lighthouse》就上线献给歌迷了。而这首情歌是由葛莱美“最佳制作人”John Shanks 与接招合唱团的灵魂首脑 Gary Barlow 倾力联手谱写的,从而保证了歌曲的高水平。清亮钢琴引导出美妙合音与古典弦乐交相堆砌,巧妙融合灵魂旋律穿绕,这是Westlife(西城男孩)又一首经典情深的、荡气回肠的、他们拿手的情歌。。。
《Lighthouse》Westlife 。
This kind of love's more than a lifetime
For a man as weak as me
Who has no self believe
This kind of love's more than amazing
For a man who'd lost his way
He'd thought it was too late
How did the sea
How did the sea
How did the sea get so low
I would've drown
I would've drown
If you hadn't given me your love
You're the light in the dark
You're the seat in the park
You're the lighthouse
You're the lighthouse that I need
You're the key to the door
You're the port in the storm
And I need to find the shore
And I can't swim anymore
You always guide me back to solid ground
You're my lighthouse
This kind of love's more than a feeling
For a man who rarely cried
I get all choked up each time
You say you love me
You could've walked away
And give my problems back
Could've let you took the chance
How did the waves
How did the waves
How did the waves get so high
I would've died
I would've died
If you ain't love me just in time
You're the light in the dark
You're the seat in the park
You're the lighthouse
You're the lighthouse that I need
You're the key to the door
You're the port in the storm
When I need to find the shore
Coz I can't swim anymore
You always guide me back to solid ground
Yeah, You're my lighthouse
I owe it all to you everything I have right now
I owe it all to you everything I didn't have you found
Every time, take me back to you
You're the light in the dark
You're the seat in the park
You're the lighthouse
You're the lighthouse I need
Oh (Oh yeah)
You're the key to the door
You're the port in the storm
And I need to find the shore
Coz I can't swim anymore
You always guide me back to solid ground You're my lighthouse
回顾Westlife多年来精彩成果,也是这张最后一张新专辑《Greatest Hits》今年献给歌迷的一份完美的圣诞节礼物。专辑里面为歌迷精选了历年来欧美畅销排行榜的26首歌曲,毫不遗漏一网打尽的,是所有歌迷值得珍藏的完整精华版本。