She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain

猴岛论坛影音天地She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain
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She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain



等级: 元老

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2013-03-26 0
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She'll be coming round the mountain
When she comes

She'll be coming round the mountain
When she comes

She'll be coming round the mountain,
She'll be coming round the mountain,
She'll be coming round the mountain
When she comes

She'll be driving six white horses
When she comes

She'll be driving six white horses
When she comes

She'll be driving six white horses,
She'll be driving six white horses,
She'll be driving six white horses
When she comes

Oh, we'll all go out to meet her
When she comes

Oh, we'll all go out to meet her
When she comes

Oh, we'll all go out to meet her,
We'll all go out to meet her,
We'll all go out to meet her
When she comes

She'll be wearing red pajamas
When she comes

She'll be wearing red pajamas
When she comes

She'll be wearing red pajamas,
She'll be wearing red pajamas,
She'll be wearing red pajamas
When she comes

She'll be coming round the mountain
When she comes

She'll be coming round the mountain
When she comes

She'll be coming round the mountain,
She'll be coming round the mountain,
She'll be coming round the mountain
When she comes

She'll be driving six white horses
When she comes

She'll be driving six white horses
When she comes

She'll be driving six white horses,
She'll be driving six white horses,
She'll be driving six white horses
When she comes

Oh, we'll all go out to meet her
When she comes

Oh, we'll all go out to meet her
When she comes

Oh, we'll all go out to meet her,
We'll all go out to meet her,
We'll all go out to meet her
When she comes

She'll be wearing red pajamas
When she comes

She'll be wearing red pajamas
When she comes

She'll be wearing red pajamas,
She'll be wearing red pajamas,
She'll be wearing red pajamas
When she comes

She will have to sleep with Grandma
When she comes

She will have to sleep with Grandma
When she comes

She will have to sleep with Grandma,
She'll have to sleep with Grandma,
She will have to sleep with Grandma
When she comes

She will have to sleep with Grandma
When she comes

She will have to sleep with Grandma
When she comes

She will have to sleep with Grandma,
She'll have to sleep with Grandma,
She will have to sleep with Grandma
When she comes


本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +12
DB+12 2013-03-29




等级: 中将
路是没有错的,错的只是方向   爱是没有错的,错的只是选择   。

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2013-03-27 0


等级: 元老

举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2013-03-29 0
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音乐无极限 欢迎你


等级: 元老

举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2013-03-29 0
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