ヽ(●′ε`●)ノend of may ヽ(●′ε`●)ノ

猴岛论坛影音天地ヽ(●′ε`●)ノend of may ヽ(●′ε`●)ノ
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ヽ(●′ε`●)ノend of may ヽ(●′ε`●)ノ



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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2013-06-11 0

End Of May
Keren Ann

close your eyes and roll a tise
under the pool there's a compormise
if after all only left twice
which lifes the wrong road to peridise
don't say a word here comes the prake
of the day
and white clouds of sanderest by the wind
of the end
of May

close your eyes and make a bed
face to the glare of the sunset
this is about it's forrest we get
you haven't seen meet skys yet
don't say a word here comes the prake
of the day
and white clouds of sanderest by the wind
of the end
of May

close your eyes and make a wish
under the stone there's a stone fish
hold your bress menrow the dise
it might be the wrong road to peridise
don't say a word here comes the prake
of the day
and white clouds of sanderest by the wind
of the end
don't say a word here comes the prake
of the day
and white clouds of sanderest by the wind
of the end
of May



本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +18
DB+18 2013-06-12




等级: 元老

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2013-06-12 0
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